
Wrapper for any basic integral type N that uses the checked operations from safeOp and rejects attempts to directly assign values that cannot be proven to be within the range representable by N. ( can be used to safely assign values of incompatible types, with runtime bounds checking.)

SafeInt is designed to be as interchangeable with N as possible, without compromising safety. The DebugInt template allows a variable to use SafeInt in debug mode to find bugs, and N directly in release mode for greater speed and a smaller binary.

Outside of generic code that needs to work with both SafeInt!N and N, it is generally preferable to use SmartInt instead. It generates far fewer error messages: mostly it "just works".

  • policy controls the error signalling policy (see checkedint.flags).
  • bitOps may be set to No.bitOps if desired, to turn bitwise operations on this type into a compile-time error.
  1. struct SafeInt(N, IntFlagPolicy _policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps)
  2. template SafeInt(N, IntFlagPolicy policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps)
    template SafeInt (
    Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps
    ) if (
    isIntegral!N &&
    ) {}



alias SafeInt = SafeInt!(BasicScalar!N, policy, bitOps)
Undocumented in source.


// Mixing standard signed and unsigned types is dangerous...
int ba = -1;
uint bb = 0;
assert(ba > bb);

auto bc = ba + bb;
assert(is(typeof(bc) == uint));
assert(bc == 4294967295u);

// ...that's why SafeInt doesn't allow it.
import checkedint.throws : SafeInt, to; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws

SafeInt!int sa = -1;
SafeInt!uint sb = 0u;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, sa < sb));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, sa + sb));

// Instead, use to safely convert to a common type...
auto sbi = to!(SafeInt!int)(sb);
assert(sa < sbi);
auto sc = sa + sbi;
assert(sc == -1);
// (...or just switch to SmartInt.)
// When IntFlagPolicy.throws is set, SafeInt operations that fail at runtime will throw a CheckedIntException.
import checkedint.throws : SafeInt;

SafeInt!uint sa = 1u;
SafeInt!uint sb = 0u;

bool overflow = false;
    SafeInt!uint sc = sb - sa;
catch (CheckedIntException e)
    assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.negOver);
    overflow = true;

bool div0 = false;
    // With standard integers, this would crash the program with an unrecoverable FPE...
    SafeInt!uint sc = sa / sb;
catch (CheckedIntException e)
    // ...but with SafeInt, it just throws a normal Exception.
    assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.div0);
    div0 = true;
// When IntFlagPolicy.sticky is set, SafeInt operations that fail at runtime set one or more bits in IntFlags.local.
import checkedint.sticky : SafeInt;

SafeInt!uint sa = 1u;
SafeInt!uint sb = 0u;
SafeInt!uint sc;

sc = sb - sa;
assert(IntFlags.local == IntFlag.over);

// With standard integers, this would crash the program with an unrecoverable FPE...
sc = sa / sb;
// ...but with SmartInt, it just sets a bit in IntFlags.local.
assert(IntFlags.local & IntFlag.div0);

// Each flag will remain set until cleared:
assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == (IntFlag.over | IntFlag.div0));
