1 /**
2 Checked integer arithmetic operations, functions, and types with improved handling of errors and corner cases compared
3 to the basic integral types.
5 $(B Note:) Normally this module should not be imported directly. Instead, import one of
6 $(LINK2 ./throws.html, `checkedint.throws`), $(LINK2 ./asserts.html, `checkedint.asserts`), or
7 $(LINK2 ./sticky.html, `checkedint.sticky`), depending on which error signalling policy is needed. (See below.)
9 $(BIG $(B Problems solved by `checkedint`)) $(BR)
10 As in many other programming languages (C, C++, Java, etc.) D's basic integral types (such as `int` or `ulong`) are
11 surprisingly difficult to use correctly in the general case, due to variuos departures from the behaviour of ideal
12 mathematical integers:
13 $(UL
14     $(LI Overflow silently wraps around: `assert(uint.max + 1 == 0);`)
15     $(LI Mixed signed/unsigned comparisons often give the wrong result: `assert(-1 > 1u);`)
16     $(LI Mixed signed/unsigned arithmetic operations can also give the wrong result.)
17     $(LI Integer division by zero crashes the program with a mis-named and uncatchable `Floating Point Exception`
18         (FPE).)
19     $(LI `int.min / -1` and `int.min % -1` may also crash with an FPE, even though the latter should simply yield `0`.)
20     $(LI If `x` is any integer value, and `y` is any negative integer value, `x ^^ y` will crash with an FPE.)
21     $(LI No bounds checking is done when casting from one integer type to another.)
22     $(LI The result of the bitshift operations (`<<`, `>>`, `>>>`) is formally undefined if the shift size is less than
23         zero or greater than `(8 * N.sizeof) - 1`.)
24 )
25 The `checkedint` package offers solutions to all of these issues and more.
27 $(BIG $(B `SafeInt` versus `SmartInt`)) $(BR)
28 Two different approaches are available:
29 $(UL
30     $(LI $(LINK2 ./package.html#SmartInt, `SmartInt`) and $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp, `smartOp`) strive to actually
31         give the mathematically correct answer whenever possible, rather than just signaling an error.)
32     $(LI $(LINK2 ./package.html#SafeInt, `SafeInt`) and $(LINK2 ./package.html#safeOp, `safeOp`) strive to match the
33         behaviour of the basic integral types exactly, $(B except) that where the behaviour of the basic type is
34         wrong, or very unintuitive, an error is signaled instead.)
35 )
36 There is no meaningful performance difference between `SafeInt` and `SmartInt`. For general use, choosing `SmartInt`
37 simplifies code and maximizes the range of inputs accepted.
39 `SafeInt` is intended mainly as a debugging tool, to help identify problems in code that must also work correctly with
40 the basic integral types. The $(LINK2 ./package.html#DebugInt, `DebugInt`) `template` `alias` makes it simple to use
41 of `SafeInt` in debug builds, and raw basic types in release builds.
43 $(TABLE
44     $(TR $(TD)                $(TH `int` (basic type)) $(TH `SafeInt!int`)            $(TH `SmartInt!int`))
45     $(TR $(TH `int.max + 1`)  $(TD `int.min`)          $(TD `raise(IntFlag.over)`)    $(TD `raise(IntFlag.over)`))
46     $(TR $(TH `-1 > 1u`)      $(TD `true`)             $(TD compile-time error)       $(TD `false`))
47     $(TR $(TH `-1 - 2u`)      $(TD `4294967293`)       $(TD compile-time error)       $(TD `-3`))
48     $(TR $(TH `1 / 0`)        $(TD crash by FPE)       $(TD `raise(IntFlag.div0)`)    $(TD `raise(IntFlag.div0)`))
49     $(TR $(TH `int.min % -1`) $(TD crash by FPE)       $(TD `raise(IntFlag.posOver)`) $(TD `0`))
50     $(TR $(TH `-1 ^^ -7`)     $(TD crash by FPE)       $(TD `raise(IntFlag.undef)`)   $(TD `-1`))
51     $(TR $(TH `cast(uint)-1`) $(TD `4294967295`)       $(TD compile-time error)       $(TD `raise(IntFlag.negOver)`))
52     $(TR $(TH `-1 >> 100`)    $(TD undefined)          $(TD `raise(IntFlag.undef)`)   $(TD `-1`))
53 )
55 $(BIG $(B Error Signaling)) $(BR)
56 Some types of problem are signaled by a compile-time error, others at runtime. Runtime signaling is done through
57 $(LINK2 ./flags.html, `checkedint.flags`). Three different runtime signalling policies are available:
58 $(UL
59     $(LI With `IntFlagPolicy.throws`, a $(LINK2 ./flags.html#CheckedIntException, `CheckedIntException`) is thrown.
60         These are normal exceptions; not FPEs. As such, they can be caught and include a stack trace.)
61     $(LI With `IntFlagPolicy.asserts`, an assertion failure will be triggered. This policy is compatible with
62         `pure nothrow @nogc` code, but will crash the program in the event of a runtime integer math error.)
63     $(LI Alternatively, `IntFlagPolicy.sticky` can be selected so that a thread-local sticky flag is set when an
64         operation fails. This allows `checkedint` to be used from `nothrow` and `@nogc` (but not `pure`) code without
65         crashing the program, but requires the API user to manually insert checks of `IntFlags.local`.)
66 )
67 In normal code, there is no performance penalty for allowing `checkedint` to `throw`. Doing so is highly recommended
68 because this makes it easier to use correctly, and yields more precise error messages when something goes wrong.
70 $(BIG $(B Generic Code)) $(BR)
71 The $(LINK2 ./traits.html, `checkedint.traits`) module provides `checkedint`-aware versions of various numerical type
72 traits from `std.traits`, such as `Signed`, `isSigned` and `isIntegral`. This allows writing generic algorithms that
73 work with any of `SmartInt`, `SafeInt`, and the built-in numeric types such as `uint` and `long`.
75 Also of note is the $(LINK2 ./package.html#idx, `idx()`) function, which concisely and safely casts from any integral type
76 (built-in, `SmartInt`, or `SafeInt`) to either `size_t` or `ptrdiff_t` for easy array indexing.
78 $(BIG $(B Performance)) $(BR)
79 Replacing all basic integer types with `SmartInt` or `SafeInt` will slow down exectuion somewhat. How much depends on
80 many factors, but for most code following a few simple rules should keep the penalty low:
81 $(OL
82     $(LI Build with $(LINK2 http://dlang.org/dmd-windows.html#switch-inline, $(B $(RED `-inline`))) and
83         $(LINK2 http://dlang.org/dmd-windows.html#switch-O, $(B `-O`)) (DMD) or $(B `-O3`) (GDC and LDC). This by
84         itself can improve the performance of `checkedint` by around $(B 1,000%).)
85     $(LI With GDC or LDC, the performance hit in code that is bottlenecked by integer math will probably be between 30%
86         and 100%. The performance hit may be considerably larger with DMD, due to the weakness of the inliner.)
87     $(LI `checkedint` can't slow down code where it's not used! For more speed, switch to
88         $(LINK2 ./package.html#DebugInt, `DebugInt`) for the hottest code in the program (like inner loops) before
89         giving up on `checkedint` entirely.)
90 )
91 The above guidelines should be more than sufficient for most programs. But, some micro-optimization are possible as
92 well, if needed:
93 $(UL
94     $(LI Always use $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp.mulPow2, `mulPow2()`),
95         $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp.divPow2, `divPow2()`), and $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp.modPow2, `modPow2()`)
96         whenever they can naturally express the intent - they're faster than a regular `/`, `%`, or `pow()`.)
97     $(LI Unsigned types are a little bit faster than signed types, assuming negative values aren't needed.)
98     $(LI Although they are perfectly safe with `checkedint`, mixed signed/unsigned operations are a little bit slower
99         than same-signedness ones.)
100     $(LI The assignment operators (`++` or `+=`, for example) should never be slower than the equivalent two operation
101         sequence, and are sometimes a little bit faster.)
102 )
104 References: $(LINK2 https://dlang.org/phobos/core_checkedint.html, core._checkedint)
106 Copyright: Copyright Thomas Stuart Bockman 2015
107 License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
108 Authors: Thomas Stuart Bockman
109 **/
110 module checkedint;
111 import checkedint.flags;
113 import future.bitop, core.checkedint, std.algorithm, std.format, std.meta, future.traits0, std.typecons;
114 static import std.math;
116 /+pragma(inline, true)
117 {+/
118 // smart /////////////////////////////////////////////////
119     /**
120     Wrapper for any basic integral type `N` that uses the checked operations from
121     $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp, `smartOp`) and bounds checks assignments with
122     $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`).
124     $(UL
125         $(LI `policy` controls the error signalling policy (see `checkedint.flags`).)
126         $(LI `bitOps` may be set to `No.bitOps` if desired, to turn bitwise operations on this type into a
127             compile-time error.)
128     )
129     **/
130     struct SmartInt(N, IntFlagPolicy _policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps)
131         if (isIntegral!N && isUnqual!N)
132     {
133         /// The error signalling policy used by this `SmartInt` type.
134         enum IntFlagPolicy policy = _policy;
136         static if (bitOps)
137         {
138             /**
139             The basic scalar value of this `SmartInt`. Accessing this directly may be useful for:
140             $(UL
141                 $(LI Intentionally doing modular (unchecked) arithmetic, or)
142                 $(LI Interacting with APIs that are not `checkedint` aware.)
143             )
144             **/
145             N bscal;
146             ///
147             unittest
148             {
149                 import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
151                 SmartInt!uint n;
152                 static assert(is(typeof(n.bscal) == uint));
154                 n = 7;
155                 assert(n.bscal == 7);
157                 n.bscal -= 8;
158                 assert(n == uint.max);
159             }
161             /// Get a view of this `SmartInt` that allows bitwise operations.
162             @property ref inout(SmartInt!(N, policy, Yes.bitOps)) bits() return inout pure @safe nothrow @nogc
163             {
164                 return this;
165             }
166             ///
167             unittest
168             {
169                 import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
171                 SmartInt!(int, No.bitOps) n = 1;
172                 static assert(!__traits(compiles, n << 2));
173                 assert(n.bits << 2 == 4);
174             }
175         }
176         else
177         {
178             @property ref inout(N) bscal() return inout pure @safe nothrow @nogc
179             {
180                 return bits.bscal;
181             }
182             SmartInt!(N, policy, Yes.bitOps) bits;
183         }
185         /// The most negative possible value of this `SmartInt` type.
186         enum SmartInt!(N, policy, bitOps) min = typeof(this)(trueMin!N);
187         ///
188         unittest
189         {
190             import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
192             assert(SmartInt!(int).min == int.min);
193             assert(SmartInt!(uint).min == uint.min);
194         }
196         /// The most positive possible value of this `SmartInt` type.
197         enum SmartInt!(N, policy, bitOps) max = typeof(this)(trueMax!N);
198         ///
199         unittest
200         {
201             import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws;
203             assert(SmartInt!(int).max == int.max);
204             assert(SmartInt!(uint).max == uint.max);
205         }
207         // Construction, assignment, and casting /////////////////////////////////////////////////
208         /**
209         Assign the value of `that` to this `SmartInt` instance.
211         $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) is used to verify `that >= N.min && that <= N.max`. If not, an
212         $(LINK2 ./flags.html, `IntFlag`) will be raised.
213         **/
214         this(M)(const M that) @safe
215             if (isCheckedInt!M || isScalarType!M)
216         {
217             this.bscal = to!(N, policy)(that);
218         }
219         /// ditto
220         ref typeof(this) opAssign(M)(const M that) @safe
221             if (isCheckedInt!M || isScalarType!M)
222         {
223             this.bscal = to!(N, policy)(that);
224             return this;
225         }
226         ///
227         unittest
228         {
229             import checkedint.sticky : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
231             // Any basic scalar or checkedint *type* is accepted...
232             SmartInt!int n = 0;
233             n = cast(ulong)0;
234             n = cast(dchar)0;
235             n = cast(byte)0;
236             n = cast(real)0;
237             assert(!IntFlags.local);
239             // ...but not any *value*.
240             n = uint.max;
241             n = long.min;
242             n = real.nan;
243             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == (IntFlag.posOver | IntFlag.negOver | IntFlag.undef));
244         }
246         /**
247         Convert this value to floating-point. This always succeeds, although some loss of precision may
248         occur if M.sizeof <= N.sizeof.
249         **/
250         M opCast(M)() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
251             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
252         {
253             return cast(M)bscal;
254         }
255         ///
256         unittest
257         {
258             import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
260             SmartInt!int n = 92;
261             auto f = cast(double)n;
262             static assert(is(typeof(f) == double));
263             assert(f == 92.0);
264         }
266         /// `this != 0`
267         M opCast(M)() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
268             if (is(M == bool))
269         {
270             return bscal != 0;
271         }
272         ///
273         unittest
274         {
275             import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
277             SmartInt!int n = -315;
278             assert( cast(bool)n);
280             n = 0;
281             assert(!cast(bool)n);
282         }
284         /**
285         Convert this value to type `M` using $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) for bounds checking. An
286         $(LINK2 ./flags.html, `IntFlag`) will be raised if `M` cannot represent the current value of this `SmartInt`.
287         **/
288         M opCast(M)() const @safe
289             if (isCheckedInt!M || isIntegral!M || isSomeChar!M)
290         {
291             return to!(M, policy)(bscal);
292         }
293         ///
294         unittest
295         {
296             import checkedint.sticky : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
298             SmartInt!ulong n = 52;
299             auto a = cast(int)n;
300             static assert(is(typeof(a) == int));
301             assert(!IntFlags.local);
302             assert(a == 52);
304             auto m = SmartInt!long(-1).mulPow2(n);
305             auto b = cast(wchar)m;
306             static assert(is(typeof(b) == wchar));
307             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
308         }
310         /**
311         Convert this value to a type suitable for indexing an array:
312         $(UL
313             $(LI If `N` is signed, a `ptrdiff_t` is returned.)
314             $(LI If `N` is unsigned, a `size_t` is returned.)
315         )
316         $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) is used for bounds checking.
317         **/
318         @property Select!(isSigned!N, ptrdiff_t, size_t) idx() const @safe
319         {
320             return to!(typeof(return), policy)(bscal);
321         }
322         ///
323         unittest
324         {
325             import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
327             char[3] arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
328             SmartInt!long n = 1;
330             // On 32-bit, `long` cannot be used directly for array indexing,
331             static if (size_t.sizeof < long.sizeof)
332                 static assert(!__traits(compiles, arr[n]));
333             // but idx can be used to concisely and safely cast to ptrdiff_t:
334             assert(arr[n.idx] == 'b');
336             // The conversion is bounds checked:
337             static if (size_t.sizeof < long.sizeof)
338             {
339                 n = long.min;
340                 try
341                 {
342                     arr[n.idx] = '?';
343                 }
344                 catch (CheckedIntException e)
345                 {
346                     assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.negOver);
347                 }
348             }
349         }
351         /// Get a simple hashcode for this value.
352         size_t toHash() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
353         {
354             static if (N.sizeof > size_t.sizeof)
355             {
356                 static assert(N.sizeof == (2 * size_t.sizeof));
357                 return cast(size_t)bscal ^ cast(size_t)(bscal >>> 32);
358             }
359             else
360                 return cast(size_t)bscal;
361         }
363         /// Get a `string` representation of this value.
364         string toString() const @safe
365         {
366             return to!(string, IntFlagPolicy.sticky)(bscal);
367         }
368         ///
369         unittest
370         {
371             import checkedint.throws : smartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
372             assert(smartInt(-753).toString() == "-753");
373         }
374         /**
375         Puts a `string` representation of this value into `w`. This overload will not allocate, unless
376         `std.range.primitives.put(w, ...)` allocates.
378         Params:
379             w = An output range that will receive the `string`
380             fmt = An optional format specifier
381         */
382         void toString(Writer, Char = char)(Writer w, FormatSpec!Char fmt = (FormatSpec!Char).init) const
383         {
384             formatValue(w, bscal, fmt);
385         }
387         // Comparison /////////////////////////////////////////////////
388         /// Returns `true` if this value is mathematically precisely equal to `right`.
389         bool opEquals(M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
390             if (isCheckedInt!M || isScalarType!M)
391         {
392             return smartOp!(policy).cmp!"=="(this.bscal, right.bscal);
393         }
394         /**
395         Perform a mathematically correct comparison to `right`.
397         Returns: $(UL
398             $(LI `-1` if this value is less than `right`.)
399             $(LI ` 0` if this value is precisely equal to `right`.)
400             $(LI ` 1` if this value is greater than `right`.)
401             $(LI `float.nan` if `right` is a floating-point `nan` value.)
402         )
403         **/
404         auto opCmp(M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
405             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
406         {
407             return
408                 (bscal <  right)? -1 :
409                 (bscal >  right)?  1 :
410                 (bscal == right)?  0 : float.nan;
411         }
412         /// ditto
413         int opCmp(M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
414             if (isCheckedInt!M || isScalarType!M)
415         {
416             return smartOp!(policy).cmp(this.bscal, right.bscal);
417         }
419         // Unary /////////////////////////////////////////////////
420         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp, `smartOp`).
421         typeof(this) opUnary(string op)() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
422             if (op == "~")
423         {
424             static assert(bitOps,
425                 "Bitwise operations are disabled.");
427             return typeof(return)(smartOp!(policy).unary!op(bscal));
428         }
429         /// ditto
430         SmartInt!(Signed!N, policy, bitOps) opUnary(string op)() const @safe
431             if (op == "+" || op == "-")
432         {
433             return typeof(return)(smartOp!(policy).unary!op(bscal));
434         }
435         /// ditto
436         ref typeof(this) opUnary(string op)() return @safe
437             if (op.among!("++", "--"))
438         {
439             smartOp!(policy).unary!op(bscal);
440             return this;
441         }
443         /// ditto
444         SmartInt!(Unsigned!N, policy, bitOps) abs() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
445         {
446             return typeof(return)(smartOp!(policy).abs(bscal));
447         }
449         /// Count the number of set bits using `core.bitop.popcnt()`.
450         SmartInt!(int, policy, bitOps) popcnt()() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
451         {
452             static assert(bitOps, "Bitwise operations are disabled.");
454             import future.bitop : stdPC = popcnt;
455             return typeof(return)(stdPC(bscal));
456         }
458         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp, `smartOp`).
459         SmartInt!(ubyte, policy, bitOps) bsf()() const @safe
460         {
461             static assert(bitOps, "Bitwise operations are disabled.");
463             return typeof(return)(smartOp!(policy).bsf(bscal));
464         }
465         /// ditto
466         SmartInt!(ubyte, policy, bitOps) bsr()() const @safe
467         {
468             static assert(bitOps, "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using ilogb() instead?");
470             return typeof(return)(smartOp!(policy).bsr(bscal));
471         }
473         /// ditto
474         SmartInt!(ubyte, policy, bitOps) ilogb() const @safe
475         {
476             return typeof(return)(smartOp!(policy).ilogb(bscal));
477         }
479         // Binary /////////////////////////////////////////////////
480         /// ditto
481         auto opBinaryRight(string op, M)(const M left) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
482             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
483         {
484             return smartOp!(policy).binary!op(left, bscal);
485         }
486         /// ditto
487         auto opBinary(string op, M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
488             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
489         {
490             return smartOp!(policy).binary!op(bscal, right);
491         }
492         /// ditto
493         auto opBinaryRight(string op, M)(const M left) const @safe
494             if (isSafeInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
495         {
496             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
497             enum mixBitOps = bitOps && hasBitOps!M;
498             static assert(mixBitOps || !op.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"),
499                 "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using mulPow2(), divPow2(), or modPow2() instead?");
501             const wret = smartOp!(mixPolicy).binary!op(left.bscal, this.bscal);
502             return SmartInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, mixBitOps)(wret);
503         }
504         /// ditto
505         auto opBinary(string op, M)(const M right) const @safe
506             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
507         {
508             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
509             enum mixBitOps = bitOps && hasBitOps!M;
510             static assert(mixBitOps || !op.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"),
511                 "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using mulPow2(), divPow2(), or modPow2() instead?");
513             const wret = smartOp!(mixPolicy).binary!op(this.bscal, right.bscal);
514             return SmartInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, mixBitOps)(wret);
515         }
516         /// ditto
517         ref typeof(this) opOpAssign(string op, M)(const M right) return @safe
518             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
519         {
520             static assert((bitOps && hasBitOps!M) || !op.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"),
521                 "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using mulPow2(), divPow2(), or modPow2() instead?");
523             smartOp!(.max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M)).binary!(op ~ "=")(this.bscal, right.bscal);
524             return this;
525         }
527         /// ditto
528         auto mulPow2(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
529             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
530         {
531             return smartOp!(policy).mulPow2(bscal, exp);
532         }
533         /// ditto
534         auto mulPow2(M)(const M exp) const @safe
535             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
536         {
537             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
538             const wret = smartOp!(mixPolicy).mulPow2(this.bscal, exp.bscal);
539             return SmartInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, bitOps && hasBitOps!M)(wret);
540         }
541         /// ditto
542         auto divPow2(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
543             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
544         {
545             return smartOp!(policy).divPow2(bscal, exp);
546         }
547         /// ditto
548         auto divPow2(M)(const M exp) const @safe
549             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
550         {
551             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
552             const wret = smartOp!(mixPolicy).divPow2(this.bscal, exp.bscal);
553             return SmartInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, bitOps && hasBitOps!M)(wret);
554         }
555         /// ditto
556         auto modPow2(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
557             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
558         {
559             return smartOp!(policy).modPow2(bscal, exp);
560         }
561         /// ditto
562         auto modPow2(M)(const M exp) const @safe
563             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
564         {
565             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
566             const wret = smartOp!(mixPolicy).modPow2(this.bscal, exp.bscal);
567             return SmartInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, bitOps && hasBitOps!M)(wret);
568         }
570         /// Raise `this` to the `exp` power using `std.math.pow()`.
571         auto pow(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
572             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
573         {
574             return std.math.pow(bscal, exp);
575         }
576         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#smartOp, `smartOp`).
577         auto pow(M)(const M exp) const @safe
578             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
579         {
580             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
581             const wret = smartOp!(mixPolicy).pow(this.bscal, exp.bscal);
582             return SmartInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, bitOps && hasBitOps!M)(wret);
583         }
584     }
585     /// ditto
586     template SmartInt(N, IntFlagPolicy policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps)
587         if ((isIntegral!N && !isUnqual!N) || isCheckedInt!N)
588     {
589         alias SmartInt = SmartInt!(BasicScalar!N, policy, bitOps);
590     }
591     ///
592     unittest
593     {
594         // Mixing standard signed and unsigned types is dangerous, but...
595         int ba = -1;
596         uint bb = 0;
597         assert(ba > bb);
599         auto bc = ba + bb;
600         assert(is(typeof(bc) == uint));
601         assert(bc == 4294967295u);
603         // ...with SmartInt, mixed signed/unsigned operations "just work":
604         import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
606         SmartInt!int ma = -1;
607         SmartInt!uint mb = 0;
608         assert(ma < mb);
610         auto mc = ma + mb;
611         assert(is(typeof(mc) == SmartInt!int));
612         assert(mc != 4294967295u);
613         assert(mc == -1);
614     }
615     ///
616     unittest
617     {
618         // When IntFlagPolicy.throws is used, failed SmartInt operations will throw a CheckedIntException.
619         import checkedint.throws : SmartInt;
621         SmartInt!uint ma = 1;
622         SmartInt!uint mb = 0;
624         bool overflow = false;
625         try
626         {
627             SmartInt!uint mc = mb - ma;
628             assert(false);
629         }
630         catch (CheckedIntException e)
631         {
632             assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.negOver);
633             overflow = true;
634         }
635         assert(overflow);
637         bool div0 = false;
638         try
639         {
640             // With standard integers, this would crash the program with an unrecoverable FPE...
641             SmartInt!uint mc = ma / mb;
642             assert(false);
643         }
644         catch (CheckedIntException e)
645         {
646             // ...but with SmartInt, it just throws a normal Exception.
647             assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.div0);
648             div0 = true;
649         }
650         assert(div0);
651     }
652     ///
653     unittest
654     {
655         // When IntFlagPolicy.sticky is used, failed SmartInt operations set one or more bits in IntFlags.local.
656         import checkedint.sticky : SmartInt;
658         SmartInt!uint ma = 1;
659         SmartInt!uint mb = 0;
660         SmartInt!uint mc;
662         mc = mb - ma;
663         assert(IntFlags.local == IntFlag.negOver);
665         // With standard integers, this would crash the program with an unrecoverable FPE...
666         mc = ma / mb;
667         // ...but with SmartInt, it just sets a bit in IntFlags.local.
668         assert(IntFlags.local & IntFlag.div0);
670         // Each flag will remain set until cleared:
671         assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == (IntFlag.negOver | IntFlag.div0));
672         assert(!IntFlags.local);
673     }
675     private template SmartInt(N, IntFlagPolicy policy, bool bitOps)
676         if (isIntegral!N)
677     {
678         alias SmartInt = SmartInt!(
679             Unqual!N,
680             policy,
681             cast(Flag!"bitOps")bitOps);
682     }
684     /// Get the value of `num` as a `SmartInt!N`. The integral type `N` can be infered from the argument.
685     SmartInt!(N, policy, bitOps) smartInt(IntFlagPolicy policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps, N)(N num) @safe
686         if (isIntegral!N || isCheckedInt!N)
687     {
688         return typeof(return)(num.bscal);
689     }
690     ///
691     unittest
692     {
693         import checkedint.throws : smartInt, SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
695         auto a = smartInt(55uL);
696         static assert(is(typeof(a) == SmartInt!ulong));
697         assert(a == 55);
698     }
700     /**
701     Implements various integer math operations with error checking.
703     `smartOp` strives to give the mathematically correct result, with integer-style rounding, for all inputs. Only
704     if the correct result is undefined or not representable by the return type is an error signalled, using
705     `checkedint.flags`.
707     The error-signalling policy may be selected using the `policy` template parameter.
708     **/
709     template smartOp(IntFlagPolicy policy)
710     {
711         // NOTE: ddoc only scans the first branch of a static if
712         static if (policy == IntFlagPolicy.none)
713         {
714             // No need to redundantly instantiate members which don't depend on `policy`.
716             private void cmpTypeCheck(N, M)() pure nothrow @nogc
717             {
718                 static assert(isBoolean!N == isBoolean!M,
719                     "The intent of a direct comparison of " ~
720                     N.stringof ~ " with " ~ M.stringof ~
721                     " is unclear. Add an explicit cast."
722                 );
723             }
725             /**
726             Compare `left` and `right` using `op`.
727             $(UL
728                 $(LI Unlike the standard integer comparison operator, this function correctly handles negative
729                     values in signed/unsigned comparisons.)
730                 $(LI Like the standard operator, comparisons involving any floating-point `nan` value always return
731                     `false`.)
732             ) $(BR)
733             Direct comparisons between boolean values and numeric ones are forbidden. Make the intent explicit:
734             $(UL
735                 $(LI `numeric == cast(N)boolean`)
736                 $(LI `(numeric != 0) == boolean`)
737             )
738             **/
739             bool cmp(string op, N, M)(const N left, const M right) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
740                 if (isScalarType!N && isScalarType!M)
741             {
742                 cmpTypeCheck!(N, M)();
744                 static if (isSigned!N != isSigned!M)
745                 {
746                     static if (isSigned!N)
747                     {
748                         if (left < 0)
749                             return mixin("-1 " ~ op ~ " 0");
750                     }
751                     else
752                     {
753                         if (right < 0)
754                             return mixin("0 " ~ op ~ " -1");
755                     }
756                 }
758                 return mixin("left " ~ op ~ " right");
759             }
760             ///
761             unittest
762             {
763                 import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // smartOp.cmp() never throws
765                 assert(uint.max == -1);
766                 assert( smartOp.cmp!"!="(uint.max, -1));
767                 assert(-3156 > 300u);
768                 assert( smartOp.cmp!"<"(-3156, 300u));
770                 assert(!smartOp.cmp!"<"(1, real.nan));
771                 assert(!smartOp.cmp!"<"(real.nan, 1));
772             }
774             /**
775             Defines a total order on all basic scalar values, using the same rules as `std.math.cmp()`.
777             $(UL
778                 $(LI Mixed signed/unsigned comparisons return the mathematically correct result.)
779                 $(LI If neither `left` nor `right` is floating-point, this function is faster than
780                     `std.math.cmp()`.)
781                 $(LI If either `left` or `right` $(I is) floating-point, this function forwards to
782                     `std.math.cmp()`.)
783             ) $(BR)
784             Direct comparisons between boolean values and numeric ones are forbidden. Make the intent explicit:
785             $(UL
786                 $(LI `numeric == cast(N)boolean`)
787                 $(LI `(numeric != 0) == boolean`)
788             )
789             **/
790             int cmp(N, M)(const N left, const M right) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
791                 if (isScalarType!N && isScalarType!M)
792             {
793                 cmpTypeCheck!(N, M)();
795                 static if (isFloatingPoint!N || isFloatingPoint!M)
796                 {
797                     import future.math : stdCmp = cmp;
798                     return stdCmp(left, right);
799                 }
800                 else
801                 {
802                     static if (isSigned!N != isSigned!M)
803                     {
804                         static if (isSigned!N)
805                         {
806                             if (left < 0)
807                                 return -1;
808                         }
809                         else
810                         {
811                             if (right < 0)
812                                 return  1;
813                         }
814                     }
816                     return (left < right)? -1 : (right < left);
817                 }
818             }
819             ///
820             unittest
821             {
822                 import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // smartOp.cmp() never throws
824                 assert(smartOp.cmp(325.0, 325u) == 0);
825                 assert(smartOp.cmp(uint.max, -1) == 1);
826                 assert(smartOp.cmp(-3156, 300u) == -1);
827             }
829             /// Get the absolute value of `num`. Because the return type is always unsigned, overflow is not possible.
830             Unsigned!N abs(N)(const N num) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
831                 if (isIntegral!N)
832             {
833                 static if (!isSigned!N)
834                     return num;
835                 else
836                     return cast(typeof(return))(num < 0?
837                         -num : // -num doesn't need to be checked for overflow
838                          num);
839             }
840             /// ditto
841             IntFromChar!N abs(N)(const N num) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
842                 if (isSomeChar!N)
843             {
844                 return num;
845             }
846             ///
847             unittest
848             {
849                 import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // smartOp.abs() never throws
851                 assert(smartOp.abs(int.min) == std.math.pow(2.0, 31));
852                 assert(smartOp.abs(-25) == 25u);
853                 assert(smartOp.abs(745u) == 745u);
854             }
856             private template Result(N, string op, M)
857                 if (isNumeric!N && isNumeric!M)
858             {
859             private:
860                 enum reqFloat = isFloatingPoint!N || isFloatingPoint!M;
861                 enum precN = precision!N, precM = precision!M;
862                 enum precStd = reqFloat? precision!float : precision!uint;
863                 enum smallSub = (op == "-") && precN < precision!int && precM < precision!int;
865                 enum reqSign = reqFloat ||
866                     (op.among!("+", "-", "*" , "/") && (isSigned!N || isSigned!M || smallSub)) ||
867                     (op.among!("%", "^^", "<<", ">>", ">>>") && isSigned!N) ||
868                     (op.among!("&", "|", "^") && (isSigned!N && isSigned!M));
870                 enum reqPrec = reqFloat? max(precStd, precN, precM) :
871                     op.among!("+", "-", "*")? max(precStd, precN, precM) - 1 :
872                     op == "/"? (isSigned!M? max(precStd, precN) - 1 : precN) :
873                     op == "%"? min(precision!N, precision!M) :
874                     op == "^^"? max(precStd - 1, precN) :
875                     op.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>")? precN :
876                   /+op.among!("&", "|", "^")?+/ max(precN, precM);
878             public:
879                 alias Result = Select!(reqFloat,
880                     Select!(reqPrec <= double.mant_dig || double.mant_dig >= real.mant_dig,
881                         Select!(reqPrec <= float.mant_dig, float, double),
882                         real),
883                     Select!(reqSign,
884                         Select!(reqPrec <= 15,
885                             Select!(reqPrec <= 7, byte, short),
886                             Select!(reqPrec <= 31, int, long)),
887                         Select!(reqPrec <= 16,
888                             Select!(reqPrec <= 8, ubyte, ushort),
889                             Select!(reqPrec <= 32, uint, ulong))));
890             }
891             private template Result(N, string op, M)
892                 if (isScalarType!N && isScalarType!M &&
893                     (!isNumeric!N || !isNumeric!M))
894             {
895                 alias Result = Result!(NumFromScal!N, op, NumFromScal!M);
896             }
897         }
898         else
899         {
900             alias cmp = smartOp!(IntFlagPolicy.none).cmp;
901             alias abs = smartOp!(IntFlagPolicy.none).abs;
902             private alias Result = smartOp!(IntFlagPolicy.none).Result;
903         }
905         /**
906         Perform the unary (single-argument) integer operation specified by `op`.
908         Key differences from the standard unary operators:
909         $(UL
910             $(LI `-` and `+` always return a signed value.)
911             $(LI `-` is checked for overflow, because `-int.min` is greater than `int.max`.)
912             $(LI `++` and `--` are checked for overflow.)
913         ) $(BR)
914         Note that like the standard operators, `++` and `--` take the operand by `ref` and overwrite its value with
915         the result.
916         **/
917         N unary(string op, N)(const N num) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
918             if (isIntegral!N && op == "~")
919         {
920             return ~num;
921         }
922         /// ditto
923         IntFromChar!N unary(string op, N)(const N num) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
924             if (isSomeChar!N && op == "~")
925         {
926             return ~num;
927         }
928         /// ditto
929         Signed!(Promoted!N) unary(string op, N)(const N num) @safe 
930             if (isFixedPoint!N && op.among!("-", "+"))
931         {
932             alias R = typeof(return);
933             alias UR = Unsigned!R;
935             static if (op == "-")
936             {
937                 static if (isSigned!N)
938                 {
939                     if (num < -trueMax!R)
940                         IntFlag.posOver.raise!policy();
941                 }
942                 else
943                 {
944                     if (num > cast(UR)trueMin!R)
945                         IntFlag.negOver.raise!policy();
946                 }
948                 return -cast(R)num;
949             }
950             else
951             {
952                 static if (!isSigned!N)
953                 {
954                     if (num > trueMax!R)
955                         IntFlag.posOver.raise!policy();
956                 }
958                 return num;
959             }
960         }
961         /// ditto
962         ref N unary(string op, N)(return ref N num) @safe
963             if (isIntegral!N && op.among!("++", "--"))
964         {
965             static if (op == "++")
966             {
967                 if (num >= trueMax!N)
968                     IntFlag.posOver.raise!policy();
970                 return ++num;
971             }
972             else static if (op == "--")
973             {
974                 if (num <= trueMin!N)
975                     IntFlag.negOver.raise!policy();
977                 return --num;
978             }
979             else
980                 static assert(false);
981         }
982         ///
983         unittest
984         {
985             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
987             assert(smartOp.unary!"~"(0u) == uint.max);
989             auto a = smartOp.unary!"-"(20uL);
990             static assert(is(typeof(a) == long));
991             assert(a == -20);
993             auto b = smartOp.unary!"+"(uint.max);
994             static assert(is(typeof(b) == int));
995             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
997             uint c = 1u;
998             assert(smartOp.unary!"--"(c) == 0u);
999             assert(c == 0u);
1000             smartOp.unary!"--"(c);
1001             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
1003             int d = 7;
1004             assert(smartOp.unary!"++"(d) == 8);
1005             assert(d == 8);
1006         }
1008         /// `core.bitop.bsf` without the undefined behaviour. `smartOp.bsf(0)` will raise `IntFlag.undef`.
1009         ubyte bsf(N)(const N num) @safe
1010             if (isFixedPoint!N)
1011         {
1012             return cast(ubyte) bsfImpl!policy(num);
1013         }
1014         ///
1015         unittest
1016         {
1017             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp;
1019             assert(smartOp.bsf(20) == 2);
1021             smartOp.bsf(0);
1022             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
1023         }
1025         /// `core.bitop.bsr` without the undefined behaviour. `smartOp.bsr(0)` will raise `IntFlag.undef`.
1026         ubyte bsr(N)(const N num) @safe
1027             if (isFixedPoint!N)
1028         {
1029             return cast(ubyte) bsrImpl!policy(num);
1030         }
1031         ///
1032         unittest
1033         {
1034             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp;
1036             assert(smartOp.bsr( 20) ==  4);
1037             assert(smartOp.bsr(-20) == 31);
1039             smartOp.bsr(0);
1040             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
1041         }
1043         /**
1044         Get the base 2 logarithm of `abs(num)`, rounded down to the nearest integer.
1046         `smartOp.ilogb(0)` will raise `IntFlag.undef`.
1047         **/
1048         ubyte ilogb(N)(const N num) @safe
1049             if (isFixedPoint!N)
1050         {
1051             return cast(ubyte) bsrImpl!policy(abs(num));
1052         }
1053         ///
1054         unittest
1055         {
1056             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp;
1058             assert(smartOp.ilogb(20) == 4);
1059             assert(smartOp.ilogb(-20) == 4);
1061             smartOp.ilogb(0);
1062             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
1063         }
1065         private auto binaryImpl(string op, N, M)(const N left, const M right) @safe
1066             if (isIntegral!N && isIntegral!M)
1067         {
1068             enum wop = (op[$-1] == '=')? op[0 .. $-1] : op;
1069             alias
1070                 UN = Unsigned!N,
1071                 UM = Unsigned!M,
1072                  W = Result!(N, wop, M),
1073                  R = Select!(wop == op, W, N);
1075             static if (wop.among!("+", "-", "*"))
1076             {
1077                 enum safePrec = (wop == "*")?
1078                     precision!N + precision!M :
1079                     max(precision!N, precision!M) + 1;
1080                 enum safeR = precision!R >= safePrec;
1082                 static if (safeR)
1083                     return mixin("cast(R)left " ~ wop ~ " cast(R)right");
1084                 else
1085                 {
1086                     enum safeW = precision!W >= safePrec;
1087                     enum matched = (isSigned!N == isSigned!M);
1088                     enum oX = staticIndexOf!(wop, "+", "-", "*") << 1;
1089                     alias cops = AliasSeq!(addu, adds, subu, subs, mulu, muls);
1091                     static if (safeW || matched || wop == "*")
1092                     {
1093                         bool over;
1094                         static if (safeW)
1095                             const wR = mixin("cast(W)left " ~ wop ~ " cast(W)right");
1096                         else
1097                         {
1098                             static if (matched)
1099                             {
1100                                 alias cop = cops[oX + isSigned!W];
1101                                 const wR = cop(left, right, over);
1102                             }
1103                             else
1104                             {
1105                                 // integer multiplication is commutative
1106                                 static if (isSigned!N)
1107                                     W sa = left, ub = right;
1108                                 else
1109                                     W ub = left, sa = right;
1111                                 static if (isSigned!R)
1112                                 {
1113                                     W wR = muls(sa, ub, over);
1114                                     if (ub < 0)
1115                                         over = (sa != 0) && (ub != trueMin!W || sa != -1);
1116                                 }
1117                                 else
1118                                 {
1119                                     over = (sa < 0) && (ub != 0);
1120                                     const wR = mulu(sa, ub, over);
1121                                 }
1122                             }
1123                         }
1125                         alias WR = typeof(wR);
1126                         static if (isSigned!WR && trueMin!WR < trueMin!R)
1127                         {
1128                             if (wR < trueMin!R)
1129                                 over = true;
1130                         }
1131                         static if (trueMax!WR > trueMax!R)
1132                         {
1133                             if (wR > trueMax!R)
1134                                 over = true;
1135                         }
1136                     }
1137                     else
1138                     {
1139                         alias UW = Unsigned!W;
1140                         alias WR = Select!(isSigned!R, W, UW);
1141                         alias cop = cops[oX];
1143                         bool hiBit = false;
1144                         const wR = cast(WR) cop(cast(UW)left, cast(UW)right, hiBit);
1145                         const bool wSign = (Select!(isSigned!N, left, right) < 0) ^ hiBit;
1147                         static if (isSigned!WR)
1148                         {
1149                             static if (trueMax!WR > trueMax!R)
1150                             {
1151                                 const over = (wR < 0)?
1152                                     !wSign || (wR < trueMin!R) :
1153                                      wSign || (wR > trueMax!R);
1154                             }
1155                             else
1156                                 const over = (wR < 0) != wSign;
1157                         }
1158                         else
1159                         {
1160                             static if (trueMax!WR > trueMax!R)
1161                                 const over = wSign || (wR > trueMax!R);
1162                             else
1163                                 alias over = wSign;
1164                         }
1165                     }
1167                     if (over)
1168                         IntFlag.over.raise!policy();
1169                     return cast(R) wR;
1170                 }
1171             }
1172             else static if (wop == "/")
1173             {
1174                 static if (!isSigned!N && !isSigned!M)
1175                 {
1176                     R ret = void;
1177                     if (right == 0)
1178                     {
1179                         IntFlag.div0.raise!policy();
1180                         ret = 0;
1181                     }
1182                     else
1183                         ret = cast(R)(left / right);
1185                     return ret;
1186                 }
1187                 else
1188                 {
1189                     alias P = Select!(precision!N <= 32 && precision!M <= 32, uint, ulong);
1191                     IntFlag flag;
1192                     R ret = void;
1193                     if (right == 0)
1194                     {
1195                         flag = IntFlag.div0;
1196                         ret = 0;
1197                     }
1198                     else
1199                     {
1200                         static if (isSigned!N && isSigned!M)
1201                         {
1202                             if (left == trueMin!R && right == -1)
1203                             {
1204                                 flag = IntFlag.posOver;
1205                                 ret = 0;
1206                             }
1207                             else
1208                                 ret = cast(R)(left / right);
1209                         }
1210                         else
1211                         {
1212                             alias UR = Unsigned!R;
1214                             P wL = void;
1215                             P wG = void;
1216                             static if (isSigned!N)
1217                             {
1218                                 const negR = left < 0;
1219                                 alias side = left;
1220                                 alias wS = wL;
1221                                 wG = cast(P)right;
1222                             }
1223                             else
1224                             {
1225                                 const negR = right < 0;
1226                                 wL = cast(P)left;
1227                                 alias side = right;
1228                                 alias wS = wG;
1229                             }
1231                             if (negR)
1232                             {
1233                                 wS = -cast(P)side;
1234                                 const P wR = wL / wG;
1236                                 if (wR > cast(UR)trueMin!R)
1237                                     flag = IntFlag.negOver;
1238                                 ret = -cast(R)wR;
1239                             }
1240                             else
1241                             {
1242                                 wS =  cast(P)side;
1243                                 const P wR = wL / wG;
1245                                 if (wR > cast(UR)trueMax!R)
1246                                     flag = IntFlag.posOver;
1247                                 ret =  cast(R)wR;
1248                             }
1249                         }
1250                     }
1252                     if (!flag.isNull)
1253                         flag.raise!policy();
1254                     return ret;
1255                 }
1256             }
1257             else static if (wop == "%")
1258             {
1259                 R ret = void;
1260                 static if (isSigned!M)
1261                     const wG = cast(UM)((right < 0)? -right : right);
1262                 else
1263                     const wG = right;
1265                 if (wG <= trueMax!N)
1266                 {
1267                     if (wG)
1268                         ret = cast(R)(left % cast(N)wG);
1269                     else
1270                     {
1271                         IntFlag.div0.raise!policy();
1272                         ret = 0;
1273                     }
1274                 }
1275                 else
1276                 {
1277                     static if (isSigned!N)
1278                     {
1279                         ret = (wG != cast(UN)trueMin!N || left != trueMin!N)?
1280                             cast(R)left :
1281                             cast(R)0;
1282                     }
1283                     else
1284                         ret = cast(R)left;
1285                 }
1287                 return ret;
1288             }
1289             else static if (wop.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>"))
1290             {
1291                 const negG = right < 0;
1292                 const shR = (wop == "<<")?
1293                      negG :
1294                     !negG;
1296                 R ret = void;
1297                 static if (wop == ">>>")
1298                     const wL = cast(UN)left;
1299                 else
1300                     alias wL = left;
1301                 const absG = negG?
1302                     -cast(UM)right :
1303                      cast(UM)right;
1305                 enum maxSh = precision!UN - 1;
1306                 if (absG <= maxSh)
1307                 {
1308                     const wG = cast(int)absG;
1309                     ret = cast(R)(shR?
1310                         wL >> wG :
1311                         wL << wG);
1312                 }
1313                 else
1314                 {
1315                     ret = cast(R)((isSigned!N && (wop != ">>>") && shR)?
1316                         (wL >> maxSh) :
1317                         0);
1318                 }
1320                 return ret;
1321             }
1322             else static if (wop.among!("&", "|", "^"))
1323                 return cast(R)mixin("left " ~ wop ~ " right");
1324             else
1325                 static assert(false);
1326         }
1328         /**
1329         Perform the binary (two-argument) integer operation specified by `op`.
1331         Key differences from the standard binary operators:
1332         $(UL
1333             $(LI `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, and `%` return a signed type if the result could be negative, unless $(B both)
1334                 inputs are unsigned.)
1335             $(LI `+`, `-`, `*`, and `/` are checked for overflow.)
1336             $(LI `/` and `%` are checked for divide-by-zero, and will never generate an FPE.)
1337             $(LI `<<`, `>>`, and `>>>` are well-defined for all possible values of `right`. Large shifts return the
1338                 same result as shifting by `1` `right` times in a row. (But, much faster because no actual loop is
1339                 used.))
1340         ) $(BR)
1341         Note also:
1342         $(UL
1343             $(LI The shift operators are $(B not) checked for overflow and should not be used for
1344                 multiplication, division, or exponentiation. Instead, use `mulPow2()` and `divPow2()`, which internally
1345                 use the bitshifts for speed, but check for overflow and correctly handle negative values.)
1346             $(LI Likewise, `modPow2()` should be used for remainders instead of `&`.)
1347             $(LI `^^` and `^^=` will remain disabled in favour of `pow` until DMD issues 15288 and 15412 are fixed.)
1348         ) $(BR)
1349         Like the standard equivalents, the assignment operators (`+=`, `-=`, `*=`, etc.) take `left` by `ref` and will
1350         overwrite it with the result of the operation.
1351         **/
1352         auto binary(string op, N, M)(const N left, const M right) @safe
1353             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M &&
1354                 op.among!("+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^^", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"))
1355         {
1356             static assert(op != "^^",
1357                 "pow() should be used instead of operator ^^ because of issue 15288.");
1359             return binaryImpl!(op, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, right);
1360         }
1361         /// ditto
1362         ref N binary(string op, N, M)(return ref N left, const M right) @safe
1363             if (isIntegral!N && isFixedPoint!M && (op[$ - 1] == '='))
1364         {
1365             static assert(op != "^^=",
1366                 "pow() should be used instead of operator ^^= because of issue 15412.");
1368             left = binaryImpl!(op, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, right);
1369             return left;
1370         }
1371         ///
1372         unittest
1373         {
1374             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1376             ulong a = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615uL;
1377             long b =      -6_744_073_709_551_615L;
1378             auto c = smartOp.binary!"+"(a, b);
1379             static assert(isSigned!(typeof(c)));
1380             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
1382             assert(smartOp.binary!"+="(a, b) == 18_440_000_000_000_000_000uL);
1383             assert(a == 18_440_000_000_000_000_000uL);
1385             uint d = 25u;
1386             int e = 32;
1387             auto f = smartOp.binary!"-"(d, e);
1388             static assert(isSigned!(typeof(f)));
1389             assert(f == -7);
1391             smartOp.binary!"-="(d, e);
1392             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
1394             uint g = 1u << 31;
1395             int h = -1;
1396             auto i = smartOp.binary!"*"(g, h);
1397             static assert(isSigned!(typeof(i)));
1398             assert(i == int.min);
1400             smartOp.binary!"*="(g, h);
1401             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
1403             long j = long.min;
1404             ulong k = 1uL << 63;
1405             auto m = smartOp.binary!"/"(j, k);
1406             static assert(isSigned!(typeof(m)));
1407             assert(m == -1);
1409             smartOp.binary!"/="(j, -1);
1410             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
1412             ushort n = 20u;
1413             ulong p = ulong.max;
1414             auto q = smartOp.binary!"%"(n, p);
1415             static assert(is(typeof(q) == ushort));
1416             assert(q == 20u);
1418             smartOp.binary!"%="(n, 0);
1419             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.div0);
1420         }
1421         ///
1422         unittest
1423         {
1424             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1426             assert(smartOp.binary!"<<"(-0x80, -2) == -0x20);
1427             ubyte a = 0x3u;
1428             long b = long.max;
1429             auto c = smartOp.binary!"<<"(a, b);
1430             static assert(is(typeof(c) == ubyte));
1431             assert(c == 0u);
1433             assert(smartOp.binary!"<<="(a, 7) == 0x80u);
1434             assert(a == 0x80u);
1436             short d = -0xC;
1437             ubyte e = 5u;
1438             auto f = smartOp.binary!">>"(d, e);
1439             static assert(is(typeof(f) == short));
1440             assert(f == -0x1);
1442             assert(smartOp.binary!">>="(d, -8) == -0xC00);
1443             assert(d == -0xC00);
1445             int g = -0x80;
1446             ulong h = 2u;
1447             auto i = smartOp.binary!">>>"(g, h);
1448             static assert(is(typeof(i) == int));
1449             assert(i == 0x3FFF_FFE0);
1451             assert(smartOp.binary!">>>="(g, 32) == 0);
1452             assert(g == 0);
1454             ubyte j = 0x6Fu;
1455             short k = 0x4076;
1456             auto m = smartOp.binary!"&"(j, k);
1457             static assert(is(typeof(m) == ushort));
1458             assert(m == 0x66u);
1460             assert(smartOp.binary!"&="(j, k) == 0x66u);
1461             assert(j == 0x66u);
1463             byte n = 0x6F;
1464             ushort p = 0x4076u;
1465             auto q = smartOp.binary!"|"(n, p);
1466             static assert(is(typeof(q) == ushort));
1467             assert(q == 0x407Fu);
1469             assert(smartOp.binary!"|="(n, p) == 0x7F);
1470             assert(n == 0x7F);
1472             int r = 0x6F;
1473             int s = 0x4076;
1474             auto t = smartOp.binary!"^"(r, s);
1475             static assert(is(typeof(t) == int));
1476             assert(t == 0x4019);
1478             assert(smartOp.binary!"^="(r, s) == 0x4019);
1479             assert(r == 0x4019);
1481             assert(!IntFlags.local);
1482         }
1484         /**
1485         Equivalent to `left * pow(2, exp)`, but faster and works with a wider range of inputs. This is a safer
1486         alternative to `left << exp` that is still very fast.
1488         Note that (conceptually) rounding occurs $(I after) the `*`, meaning that `mulPow2(left, -exp)` is
1489         equivalent to `divPow2(left, exp)`.
1490         **/
1491         auto mulPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1492             if ((isFloatingPoint!N && isScalarType!M) || (isScalarType!N && isFloatingPoint!M))
1493         {
1494             return byPow2Impl!("*", NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
1495         }
1496         /// ditto
1497         auto mulPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) @safe
1498             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
1499         {
1500             return byPow2Impl!("*", policy, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
1501         }
1502         ///
1503         unittest
1504         {
1505             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1507             assert(smartOp.mulPow2(-23, 5) == -736);
1508             smartOp.mulPow2(10_000_000, 10);
1509             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
1511             assert(smartOp.mulPow2(65536, -8) == 256);
1512             assert(smartOp.mulPow2(-100, -100) == 0);
1513         }
1515         /**
1516         Equivalent to `left / pow(2, exp)`, but faster and works with a wider range of inputs. This is a safer
1517         alternative to `left >> exp` that is still very fast.
1519         Note that (conceptually) rounding occurs $(I after) the `/`, meaning that `divPow2(left, -exp)` is
1520         equivalent to `mulPow2(left, exp)`.
1521         **/
1522         auto divPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1523             if ((isFloatingPoint!N && isScalarType!M) || (isScalarType!N && isFloatingPoint!M))
1524         {
1525             return byPow2Impl!("/", NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
1526         }
1527         /// ditto
1528         auto divPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) @safe
1529             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
1530         {
1531             return byPow2Impl!("/", policy, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
1532         }
1533         ///
1534         unittest
1535         {
1536             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1538             assert(smartOp.divPow2(65536, 8) == 256);
1539             assert(smartOp.divPow2(-100, 100) == 0);
1540             assert(smartOp.divPow2(-23, -5) == -736);
1542             smartOp.divPow2(10_000_000, -10);
1543             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
1544         }
1546         /**
1547         Equivalent to `left % pow(2, exp)`, but faster and works with a wider range of inputs. This is a safer
1548         alternative to `left & ((1 << exp) - 1)` that is still very fast.
1549         **/
1550         auto modPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1551             if ((isFloatingPoint!N && isScalarType!M) || (isScalarType!N && isFloatingPoint!M))
1552         {
1553             return byPow2Impl!("%", NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
1554         }
1555         /// ditto
1556         auto modPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1557             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
1558         {
1559             return byPow2Impl!("%", IntFlagPolicy.sticky, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
1560         }
1561         ///
1562         unittest
1563         {
1564             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1566             assert(smartOp.modPow2( 101,  1) ==  1);
1567             assert(smartOp.modPow2( 101,  3) ==  5);
1568             assert(smartOp.modPow2(-101,  3) == -5);
1570             assert(smartOp.modPow2(101, -2) ==  0);
1571             assert(smartOp.modPow2(101, 1_000) == 101);
1572         }
1574         /**
1575         Raise `base` to the `exp` power.
1577         Errors that may be signalled if neither input is floating-point:
1578         $(UL
1579             $(LI `IntFlag.posOver` or `IntFlag.negOver` if the absolute value of the result is too large to
1580                 represent with the return type.)
1581             $(LI `IntFlag.div0` if `base == 0` and `exp < 0`.)
1582         )
1583         **/
1584         auto pow(N, M)(const N base, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1585             if ((isFloatingPoint!N && isScalarType!M) || (isScalarType!N && isFloatingPoint!M))
1586         {
1587             alias R = Result!(N, "^^", M);
1588             static assert(is(typeof(return) == R));
1589             return std.math.pow(cast(R)base, exp);
1590         }
1591         /// ditto
1592         auto pow(N, M)(const N base, const M exp) @safe
1593             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
1594         {
1595             alias R = Result!(N, "^^", M);
1597             const po = powImpl!(R, Select!(isSigned!M, long, ulong))(base, exp);
1598             static assert(is(typeof(po.num) == const(R)));
1600             if (!po.flag.isNull)
1601                 po.flag.raise!policy();
1602             return po.num;
1603         }
1604         ///
1605         unittest
1606         {
1607             import checkedint.sticky : smartOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1609             assert(smartOp.pow(-10, 3) == -1_000);
1610             assert(smartOp.pow(16, 4uL) == 65536);
1611             assert(smartOp.pow(2, -1) == 0);
1613             smartOp.pow(-3, 27);
1614             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
1615             smartOp.pow(0, -5);
1616             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.div0);
1617         }
1618     }
1619     private alias smartOp(bool throws) = smartOp!(cast(Flag!"throws")throws);
1621 // debug /////////////////////////////////////////////////
1622     /**
1623     `template` `alias` that evaluates to `SafeInt!(N, policy, bitOps)` in debug mode, and `N` in release mode. This
1624     way, `SafeInt!N` is used to debug integer logic while testing, but the basic `N` is used in release mode for
1625     maximum speed and the smallest binaries.
1627     While this may be very helpful for debugging algorithms, note that `DebugInt` is $(B not) a substitute
1628     for input validation in release mode. Unrecoverable FPEs or silent data-corrupting overflow can still occur in
1629     release mode in algorithms that are faulty, or missing the appropriate manual bounds checks.
1631     If performance is the only motivation for using `DebugInt` rather than
1632     $(LINK2 ./package.html#SmartInt, `SmartInt`), consider limiting `DebugInt` to only the hotest code paths - inner
1633     loops and the like. For most programs, this should provide nearly the same performance boost as using it
1634     everywhere, with far less loss of safety.
1635     **/
1636     template DebugInt(N, IntFlagPolicy policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps)
1637         if (isIntegral!N || isCheckedInt!N)
1638     {
1639         version (Debug)
1640             alias DebugInt = SafeInt!(N, policy, bitOps);
1641         else
1642             alias DebugInt = Unqual!(BasicScalar!N);
1643     }
1645 // safe /////////////////////////////////////////////////
1646     /**
1647     Wrapper for any basic integral type `N` that uses the checked operations from `safeOp` and rejects attempts to
1648     directly assign values that cannot be proven to be within the range representable by `N`.
1649     ($(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) can be used to safely assign values of incompatible types, with
1650     runtime bounds checking.)
1652     `SafeInt` is designed to be as interchangeable with `N` as possible, without compromising safety. The
1653     $(LINK2 ./package.html#DebugInt, `DebugInt`) `template` allows a variable to use `SafeInt` in debug mode to find
1654     bugs, and `N` directly in release mode for greater speed and a smaller binary.
1656     Outside of generic code that needs to work with both `SafeInt!N` and `N`, it is generally preferable to use
1657     $(LINK2 ./package.html#SmartInt, `SmartInt`) instead. It generates far fewer error messages: mostly it
1658     "just works".
1660     $(UL
1661         $(LI `policy` controls the error signalling policy (see `checkedint.flags`).)
1662         $(LI `bitOps` may be set to `No.bitOps` if desired, to turn bitwise operations on this type into a compile-time
1663             error.)
1664     )
1665     **/
1666     struct SafeInt(N, IntFlagPolicy _policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps)
1667         if (isIntegral!N && isUnqual!N)
1668     {
1669         /// The error signalling policy used by this `SafeInt` type.
1670         enum IntFlagPolicy policy = _policy;
1672         static if (bitOps)
1673         {
1674             /**
1675             The basic integral value of this `SafeInt`. Accessing this directly may be useful for:
1676             $(UL
1677                 $(LI Intentionally doing modular (unchecked) arithmetic, or)
1678                 $(LI Interacting with APIs that are not `checkedint` aware.)
1679             )
1680             **/
1681             N bscal;
1682             ///
1683             unittest
1684             {
1685                 import checkedint.throws : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
1687                 SafeInt!uint n;
1688                 static assert(is(typeof(n.bscal) == uint));
1690                 n = 7u;
1691                 assert(n.bscal == 7u);
1693                 n.bscal -= 8u;
1694                 assert(n == uint.max);
1695             }
1697             /// Get a view of this `SafeInt` that allows bitwise operations.
1698             @property ref inout(SafeInt!(N, policy, Yes.bitOps)) bits() return inout pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1699             {
1700                 return this;
1701             }
1702             ///
1703             unittest
1704             {
1705                 import checkedint.throws : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
1707                 SafeInt!(int, No.bitOps) n = 1;
1708                 static assert(!__traits(compiles, n << 2));
1709                 assert(n.bits << 2 == 4);
1710             }
1711         }
1712         else
1713         {
1714             @property ref inout(N) bscal() return inout pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1715             {
1716                 return bits.bscal;
1717             }
1718             SafeInt!(N, policy, Yes.bitOps) bits;
1719         }
1721         /// The most negative possible value of this `SafeInt` type.
1722         enum SafeInt!(N, policy, bitOps) min = typeof(this)(trueMin!N);
1723         ///
1724         unittest
1725         {
1726             import checkedint.throws : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
1728             assert(SafeInt!(int).min == int.min);
1729             assert(SafeInt!(uint).min == uint.min);
1730         }
1732         /// The most positive possible value of this `SafeInt` type.
1733         enum SafeInt!(N, policy, bitOps) max = typeof(this)(trueMax!N);
1734         ///
1735         unittest
1736         {
1737             import checkedint.throws : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws;
1739             assert(SafeInt!(int).max == int.max);
1740             assert(SafeInt!(uint).max == uint.max);
1741         }
1743         // Construction, assignment, and casting /////////////////////////////////////////////////
1744         private void checkImplicit(M)() const @safe
1745             if (isCheckedInt!M || isScalarType!M)
1746         {
1747             alias MB = BasicScalar!M;
1748             static assert(trueMin!MB >= cast(real)N.min && MB.max <= cast(real)N.max,
1749                 "SafeInt does not support implicit conversions from " ~
1750                 MB.stringof ~ " to " ~ N.stringof ~
1751                 ", because they are unsafe when unchecked. Use the explicit checkedint.to()."
1752             );
1753         }
1755         /**
1756         Assign the value of `that` to this `SafeInt` instance.
1758         Trying to assign a value that cannot be proven at compile time to be representable by `N` is an error. Use
1759         $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) to safely convert `that` with runtime bounds checking, instead.
1760         **/
1761         this(M)(const M that) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1762             if (isCheckedInt!M || isScalarType!M)
1763         {
1764             checkImplicit!M();
1765             this.bscal = that.bscal;
1766         }
1767         /// ditto
1768         ref typeof(this) opAssign(M)(const M that) return pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1769             if (isCheckedInt!M || isScalarType!M)
1770         {
1771             checkImplicit!M();
1772             this.bscal = that.bscal;
1773             return this;
1774         }
1775         ///
1776         unittest
1777         {
1778             import checkedint.sticky : SafeInt, to; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1780             // Only types that for which N can represent all values are accepted directly:
1781             SafeInt!int n = int.max;
1782             n = byte.max;
1783             n = wchar.max;
1785             // Values of a type that could be `< N.min` or `> N.max` are rejected at compile time:
1786             static assert(!__traits(compiles, n = long.max));
1787             static assert(!__traits(compiles, n = uint.max));
1788             static assert(!__traits(compiles, n = real.max));
1790             // Instead, use checkedint.to(), which does runtime bounds checking:
1791             n = to!int(315L);
1792             assert(n == 315);
1794             n = to!int(long.max);
1795             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
1796         }
1798         /**
1799         Convert this value to floating-point. This always succeeds, although some loss of precision may
1800         occur if M.sizeof <= N.sizeof.
1801         **/
1802         M opCast(M)() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1803             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
1804         {
1805             return cast(M)bscal;
1806         }
1807         ///
1808         unittest
1809         {
1810             import checkedint.throws : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
1812             SafeInt!int n = 92;
1813             auto f = cast(double)n;
1814             static assert(is(typeof(f) == double));
1815             assert(f == 92.0);
1816         }
1818         /// `this != 0`
1819         M opCast(M)() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1820             if (is(M == bool))
1821         {
1822             return bscal != 0;
1823         }
1824         ///
1825         unittest
1826         {
1827             import checkedint.throws : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
1829             SafeInt!int n = -315;
1830             assert( cast(bool)n);
1832             n = 0;
1833             assert(!cast(bool)n);
1834         }
1836         /**
1837         Convert this value to type `M` using $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) for bounds checking. An
1838         $(LINK2 ./flags.html, `IntFlag`) will be raised if `M` cannot represent the current value of this `SafeInt`.
1839         **/
1840         M opCast(M)() const @safe
1841             if (isCheckedInt!M || isIntegral!M || isSomeChar!M)
1842         {
1843             return to!(M, policy)(bscal);
1844         }
1845         ///
1846         unittest
1847         {
1848             import checkedint.sticky : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
1850             SafeInt!ulong n = 52uL;
1851             auto a = cast(int)n;
1852             static assert(is(typeof(a) == int));
1853             assert(!IntFlags.local);
1854             assert(a == 52);
1856             auto m = SafeInt!long(-1).mulPow2(n);
1857             auto b = cast(wchar)m;
1858             static assert(is(typeof(b) == wchar));
1859             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
1860         }
1862         /**
1863         Convert this value to a type suitable for indexing an array:
1864         $(UL
1865             $(LI If `N` is signed, a `ptrdiff_t` is returned.)
1866             $(LI If `N` is unsigned, a `size_t` is returned.)
1867         )
1868         $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) is used for bounds checking.
1869         **/
1870         @property Select!(isSigned!N, ptrdiff_t, size_t) idx() const @safe
1871         {
1872             return to!(typeof(return), policy)(bscal);
1873         }
1874         ///
1875         unittest
1876         {
1877             import checkedint.throws : SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
1879             char[3] arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
1880             SafeInt!long n = 1;
1882             // On 32-bit, `long` cannot be used directly for array indexing,
1883             static if (size_t.sizeof < long.sizeof)
1884                 static assert(!__traits(compiles, arr[n]));
1885             // but idx can be used to concisely and safely cast to ptrdiff_t:
1886             assert(arr[n.idx] == 'b');
1888             // The conversion is bounds checked:
1889             static if (size_t.sizeof < long.sizeof)
1890             {
1891                 n = long.min;
1892                 try
1893                 {
1894                     arr[n.idx] = '?';
1895                 }
1896                 catch (CheckedIntException e)
1897                 {
1898                     assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.negOver);
1899                 }
1900             }
1901         }
1903         /// Get a simple hashcode for this value.
1904         size_t toHash() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1905         {
1906             static if (N.sizeof > size_t.sizeof)
1907             {
1908                 static assert(N.sizeof == (2 * size_t.sizeof));
1909                 return cast(size_t)bscal ^ cast(size_t)(bscal >>> 32);
1910             }
1911             else
1912                 return cast(size_t)bscal;
1913         }
1915         /// Get a `string` representation of this value.
1916         string toString() const @safe
1917         {
1918             return to!(string, IntFlagPolicy.sticky)(bscal);
1919         }
1920         ///
1921         unittest
1922         {
1923             import checkedint.throws : safeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
1924             assert(safeInt(-753).toString() == "-753");
1925         }
1926         /**
1927         Puts a `string` representation of this value into `w`. This overload will not allocate, unless
1928         `std.range.primitives.put(w, ...)` allocates.
1930         Params:
1931             w = An output range that will receive the `string`
1932             fmt = An optional format specifier
1933         */
1934         void toString(Writer, Char = char)(Writer w, FormatSpec!Char fmt = (FormatSpec!Char).init) const
1935         {
1936             formatValue(w, bscal, fmt);
1937         }
1939         // Comparison /////////////////////////////////////////////////
1940         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#safeOp, `safeOp`).
1941         bool opEquals(M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1942             if (isSafeInt!M || isScalarType!M)
1943         {
1944             return safeOp!(policy).cmp!"=="(this.bscal, right.bscal);
1945         }
1947         /**
1948         Perform a floating-point comparison to `right`.
1950         Returns: $(UL
1951             $(LI `-1` if this value is less than `right`.)
1952             $(LI ` 0` if this value is equal to `right`.)
1953             $(LI ` 1` if this value is greater than `right`.)
1954             $(LI `float.nan` if `right` is a floating-point `nan` value.))
1955         **/
1956         auto opCmp(M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1957             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
1958         {
1959             return
1960                 (left <  right)? -1 :
1961                 (left >  right)?  1 :
1962                 (left == right)?  0 : float.nan;
1963         }
1964         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#safeOp, `safeOp`).
1965         int opCmp(M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1966             if (isSafeInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
1967         {
1968             return
1969                 safeOp!(policy).cmp!"<"(this.bscal, right.bscal)? -1 :
1970                 safeOp!(policy).cmp!">"(this.bscal, right.bscal);
1971         }
1973         // Unary /////////////////////////////////////////////////
1974         /// ditto
1975         typeof(this) opUnary(string op)() const @safe
1976             if (op.among!("-", "+", "~"))
1977         {
1978             static assert(bitOps || (op != "~"),
1979                 "Bitwise operations are disabled.");
1981             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(policy).unary!op(bscal));
1982         }
1983         /// ditto
1984         ref typeof(this) opUnary(string op)() return @safe
1985             if (op.among!("++", "--"))
1986         {
1987             safeOp!(policy).unary!op(bscal);
1988             return this;
1989         }
1991         /// ditto
1992         typeof(this) abs() const @safe
1993         {
1994             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(policy).abs(bscal));
1995         }
1997         /// Count the number of set bits using `core.bitop.popcnt()`.
1998         SafeInt!(int, policy, bitOps) popcnt()() const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
1999         {
2000             static assert(bitOps, "Bitwise operations are disabled.");
2002             import future.bitop : stdPC = popcnt;
2003             return typeof(return)(stdPC(bscal));
2004         }
2006         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#safeOp, `safeOp`).
2007         SafeInt!(int, policy, bitOps) bsf()() const @safe
2008         {
2009             static assert(bitOps, "Bitwise operations are disabled.");
2011             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(policy).bsf(bscal));
2012         }
2013         /// ditto
2014         SafeInt!(int, policy, bitOps) bsr()() const @safe
2015         {
2016             static assert(bitOps, "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using ilogb() instead?");
2018             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(policy).bsr(bscal));
2019         }
2021         /// ditto
2022         SafeInt!(int, policy, bitOps) ilogb() const @safe
2023         {
2024             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(policy).ilogb(bscal));
2025         }
2027         // Binary /////////////////////////////////////////////////
2028         /// Perform a floating-point math operation.
2029         M opBinaryRight(string op, M)(const M left) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2030             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
2031         {
2032             return mixin("left " ~ op ~ " bscal");
2033         }
2034         /// ditto
2035         M opBinary(string op, M)(const M right) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2036             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
2037         {
2038             return mixin("bscal " ~ op ~ " right");
2039         }
2040         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#safeOp, `safeOp`).
2041         SafeInt!(OpType!(M, op, N), policy, bitOps) opBinaryRight(string op, M)(const M left) const @safe
2042             if (isFixedPoint!M)
2043         {
2044             static assert(bitOps || !op.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"),
2045                 "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using mulPow2(), divPow2(), or modPow2() instead?");
2047             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(policy).binary!op(left, bscal));
2048         }
2049         /// ditto
2050         SafeInt!(OpType!(N, op, BasicScalar!M), .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M), bitOps && hasBitOps!M) opBinary(string op, M)(const M right) const @safe
2051             if (isSafeInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
2052         {
2053             static assert(bitOps && hasBitOps!M || !op.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"),
2054                 "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using mulPow2(), divPow2(), or modPow2() instead?");
2056             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(.max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M)).binary!op(this.bscal, right.bscal));
2057         }
2058         /// ditto
2059         ref typeof(this) opOpAssign(string op, M)(const M right) return @safe
2060             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
2061         {
2062             static assert((bitOps && hasBitOps!M) || !op.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"),
2063                 "Bitwise operations are disabled. Consider using mulPow2(), divPow2(), or modPow2() instead?");
2064             checkImplicit!(OpType!(N, op, BasicScalar!M))();
2066             safeOp!(.max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M)).binary!(op ~ "=")(this.bscal, right.bscal);
2067             return this;
2068         }
2070         /// ditto
2071         auto mulPow2(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2072             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
2073         {
2074             return safeOp!(policy).mulPow2(bscal, exp);
2075         }
2076         /// ditto
2077         auto mulPow2(M)(const M exp) const @safe
2078             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
2079         {
2080             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
2081             const wret = safeOp!(mixPolicy).mulPow2(this.bscal, exp.bscal);
2082             return SafeInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, bitOps && hasBitOps!M)(wret);
2083         }
2084         /// ditto
2085         auto divPow2(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2086             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
2087         {
2088             return safeOp!(policy).divPow2(bscal, exp);
2089         }
2090         /// ditto
2091         auto divPow2(M)(const M exp) const @safe
2092             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
2093         {
2094             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
2095             const wret = safeOp!(mixPolicy).divPow2(this.bscal, exp.bscal);
2096             return SafeInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, bitOps && hasBitOps!M)(wret);
2097         }
2098         /// ditto
2099         auto modPow2(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2100             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
2101         {
2102             return safeOp!(policy).modPow2(bscal, exp);
2103         }
2104         /// ditto
2105         auto modPow2(M)(const M exp) const @safe
2106             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
2107         {
2108             enum mixPolicy = .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M);
2109             const wret = safeOp!(mixPolicy).modPow2(this.bscal, exp.bscal);
2110             return SafeInt!(typeof(wret), mixPolicy, bitOps && hasBitOps!M)(wret);
2111         }
2113         /// Raise `this` to the `exp` power using `std.math.pow()`.
2114         M pow(M)(const M exp) const pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2115             if (isFloatingPoint!M)
2116         {
2117             return std.math.pow(bscal, exp);
2118         }
2119         /// See $(LINK2 ./package.html#safeOp, `safeOp`).
2120         SafeInt!(CallType!(std.math.pow, N, BasicScalar!M), .max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M), bitOps && hasBitOps!M) pow(M)(const M exp) const @safe
2121             if (isCheckedInt!M || isFixedPoint!M)
2122         {
2123             return typeof(return)(safeOp!(.max(policy, intFlagPolicyOf!M)).pow(this.bscal, exp.bscal));
2124         }
2125     }
2126     /// ditto
2127     template SafeInt(N, IntFlagPolicy policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps)
2128         if ((isIntegral!N && !isUnqual!N) || isCheckedInt!N)
2129     {
2130         alias SafeInt = SafeInt!(BasicScalar!N, policy, bitOps);
2131     }
2132     ///
2133     unittest
2134     {
2135         // Mixing standard signed and unsigned types is dangerous...
2136         int ba = -1;
2137         uint bb = 0;
2138         assert(ba > bb);
2140         auto bc = ba + bb;
2141         assert(is(typeof(bc) == uint));
2142         assert(bc == 4294967295u);
2144         // ...that's why SafeInt doesn't allow it.
2145         import checkedint.throws : SafeInt, to; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
2147         SafeInt!int sa = -1;
2148         SafeInt!uint sb = 0u;
2149         static assert(!__traits(compiles, sa < sb));
2150         static assert(!__traits(compiles, sa + sb));
2152         // Instead, use checkedint.to() to safely convert to a common type...
2153         auto sbi = to!(SafeInt!int)(sb);
2154         assert(sa < sbi);
2155         auto sc = sa + sbi;
2156         assert(sc == -1);
2157         // (...or just switch to SmartInt.)
2158     }
2159     ///
2160     unittest
2161     {
2162         // When IntFlagPolicy.throws is set, SafeInt operations that fail at runtime will throw a CheckedIntException.
2163         import checkedint.throws : SafeInt;
2165         SafeInt!uint sa = 1u;
2166         SafeInt!uint sb = 0u;
2168         bool overflow = false;
2169         try
2170         {
2171             SafeInt!uint sc = sb - sa;
2172             assert(false);
2173         }
2174         catch (CheckedIntException e)
2175         {
2176             assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.negOver);
2177             overflow = true;
2178         }
2179         assert(overflow);
2181         bool div0 = false;
2182         try
2183         {
2184             // With standard integers, this would crash the program with an unrecoverable FPE...
2185             SafeInt!uint sc = sa / sb;
2186             assert(false);
2187         }
2188         catch (CheckedIntException e)
2189         {
2190             // ...but with SafeInt, it just throws a normal Exception.
2191             assert(e.intFlags == IntFlag.div0);
2192             div0 = true;
2193         }
2194         assert(div0);
2195     }
2196     ///
2197     unittest
2198     {
2199         // When IntFlagPolicy.sticky is set, SafeInt operations that fail at runtime set one or more bits in IntFlags.local.
2200         import checkedint.sticky : SafeInt;
2202         SafeInt!uint sa = 1u;
2203         SafeInt!uint sb = 0u;
2204         SafeInt!uint sc;
2206         sc = sb - sa;
2207         assert(IntFlags.local == IntFlag.negOver);
2209         // With standard integers, this would crash the program with an unrecoverable FPE...
2210         sc = sa / sb;
2211         // ...but with SmartInt, it just sets a bit in IntFlags.local.
2212         assert(IntFlags.local & IntFlag.div0);
2214         // Each flag will remain set until cleared:
2215         assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == (IntFlag.negOver | IntFlag.div0));
2216         assert(!IntFlags.local);
2217     }
2219     private template SafeInt(N, IntFlagPolicy policy, bool bitOps)
2220         if (isIntegral!N)
2221     {
2222         alias SafeInt = SafeInt!(
2223             Unqual!N,
2224             policy,
2225             cast(Flag!"bitOps")bitOps);
2226     }
2228     /// Get the value of `num` as a `SafeInt!N`. The integral type `N` can be infered from the argument.
2229     SafeInt!(N, policy, bitOps) safeInt(IntFlagPolicy policy, Flag!"bitOps" bitOps = Yes.bitOps, N)(N num) @safe
2230         if (isIntegral!N || isCheckedInt!N)
2231     {
2232         return typeof(return)(num.bscal);
2233     }
2234     ///
2235     unittest
2236     {
2237         import checkedint.throws : safeInt, SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
2239         auto a = safeInt(55uL);
2240         static assert(is(typeof(a) == SafeInt!ulong));
2241         assert(a == 55u);
2242     }
2244     /**
2245     Implements various integer math operations with error checking.
2247     `safeOp` strives to mimic the standard integer math operations in every way, except:
2248     $(UL
2249         $(LI If the operation is generally untrustworthy - for example, signed/unsigned comparisons - a compile-time error
2250             is generated. The message will usually suggest a workaround.)
2251         $(LI At runtime, if the result is mathematically incorrect an appropriate $(LINK2 ./flags.html, `IntFlag`)
2252             will be raised.)
2253     )
2254     The runtime error-signalling policy may be selected using the `policy` template parameter.
2255     **/
2256     template safeOp(IntFlagPolicy policy)
2257     {
2258         // NOTE: ddoc only scans the first branch of a static if
2259         static if (policy == IntFlagPolicy.none)
2260         {
2261         // No need to redundantly instantiate members which don't depend on `policy`.
2263             private void cmpTypeCheck(N, M)() pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2264             {
2265                 static assert(isBoolean!N == isBoolean!M,
2266                     "The intent of a direct comparison of " ~
2267                     N.stringof ~ " with " ~ M.stringof ~
2268                     " is unclear. Add an explicit cast."
2269                 );
2271                 alias OT = OpType!(N, "+", M);
2272                 static assert(isFloatingPoint!OT || isSigned!OT || !(isSigned!N || isSigned!M),
2273                     "The standard signed/unsigned comparisons of " ~ N.stringof ~ " to " ~ M.stringof ~
2274                     " are unsafe. Use an explicit cast, or switch to smartOp/SmartInt."
2275                 );
2276             }
2278             /**
2279             Compare `left` and `right` using `op`.
2281             Unsafe signed/unsigned comparisons will trigger a compile-time error. Possible solutions include:
2282             $(UL
2283                 $(LI Should the inputs really have different signedness? Changing the type of one to match the other
2284                     is the simplest solution.)
2285                 $(LI Consider using `smartOp.cmp()`, instead, as it can safely do signed/unsigned comparisons.)
2286                 $(LI Alternately, $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) can be used to safely convert the
2287                     type of one input, with runtime bounds checking.)
2288             ) $(BR)
2289             Direct comparisons between boolean values and numeric ones are also forbidden. Make the intent explicit:
2290             $(UL
2291                 $(LI `numeric == cast(N)boolean`)
2292                 $(LI `(numeric != 0) == boolean`)
2293             )
2294             **/
2295             bool cmp(string op, N, M)(const N left, const M right) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2296                 if (isScalarType!N && isScalarType!M)
2297             {
2298                 cmpTypeCheck!(N, M)();
2299                 return mixin("left " ~ op ~ " right");
2300             }
2301             ///
2302             unittest
2303             {
2304                 import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // safeOp.cmp() never throws
2306                 assert(safeOp.cmp!"=="(int.max, 0x7FFF_FFFF));
2307                 assert(safeOp.cmp!"!="(uint.min, 5u));
2308                 assert(safeOp.cmp!"<="(int.min, 0));
2310                 static assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.cmp!"=="(uint.max, -1)));
2311                 static assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.cmp!">"(-1, 1u)));
2312             }
2313         }
2314         else
2315             alias cmp = safeOp!(IntFlagPolicy.none).cmp;
2317         /**
2318         Perform the unary (single-argument) integer operation specified by `op`.
2320         Trying to negate `-` an unsigned value will generate a compile-time error, because mathematically, the result should
2321         always be negative (except for -0), but the unsigned return type cannot represent this.
2323         `++` and `--` are checked for overflow at runtime, and will raise `IntFlag.posOver` or `IntFlag.negOver` if needed.
2324         **/
2325         N unary(string op, N)(const N num) @safe
2326             if ((isIntegral!N) && op.among!("-", "+", "~"))
2327         {
2328             static assert(isSigned!N || op != "-",
2329                 "The standard unary - operation for " ~ N.stringof ~
2330                 " is unsafe. Use an explicit cast to a signed type, or switch to smartOp/SmartInt."
2331             );
2333             static if (op == "-")
2334             {
2335                 static if (is(N == int) || is(N == long))
2336                 {
2337                     bool over = false;
2338                     const N ret = negs(num, over);
2339                 }
2340                 else
2341                 {
2342                     const over = (num <= trueMin!N);
2343                     const N ret = -num;
2344                 }
2346                 if (over)
2347                     IntFlag.posOver.raise!policy();
2349                 return ret;
2350             }
2351             else
2352                 return mixin(op ~ "num");
2353         }
2354         /// ditto
2355         ref N unary(string op, N)(return ref N num) @safe
2356             if ((isIntegral!N) && op.among!("++", "--"))
2357         {
2358             static if (op == "++")
2359             {
2360                 if (num >= trueMax!N)
2361                     IntFlag.posOver.raise!policy();
2362             }
2363             else static if (op == "--")
2364             {
2365                 if (num <= trueMin!N)
2366                     IntFlag.negOver.raise!policy();
2367             }
2369             return mixin(op ~ "num");
2370         }
2371         ///
2372         unittest
2373         {
2374             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2376             assert(safeOp.unary!"~"(0u) == uint.max);
2378             assert(safeOp.unary!"-"(20L) == -20L);
2379             static assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.unary!"-"(20uL)));
2380             safeOp.unary!"-"(long.min);
2381             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
2383             auto a = safeOp.unary!"+"(uint.max);
2384             static assert(is(typeof(a) == uint));
2385             assert(a == uint.max);
2387             uint b = 1u;
2388             assert(safeOp.unary!"--"(b) == 0u);
2389             assert(b == 0u);
2390             safeOp.unary!"--"(b);
2391             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
2393             int c = 7;
2394             assert(safeOp.unary!"++"(c) == 8);
2395             assert(c == 8);
2396         }
2398         /**
2399         Get the absolute value of `num`.
2401         `IntFlag.posOver` is raised if `N` is signed and `num == N.min`.
2402         **/
2403         N abs(N)(const N num) @safe
2404             if (isIntegral!N || isBoolean!N)
2405         {
2406             static if (isSigned!N)
2407             {
2408                 if (num < 0)
2409                     return unary!"-"(num);
2410             }
2411             return num;
2412         }
2413         ///
2414         unittest
2415         {
2416             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2418             assert(safeOp.abs(-25) == 25);
2419             assert(safeOp.abs(745u) == 745u);
2421             safeOp.abs(int.min);
2422             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
2423         }
2425         /// `core.bitop.bsf` without the undefined behaviour. `safeOp.bsf(0)` will raise `IntFlag.undef`.
2426         int bsf(N)(const N num) @safe
2427             if (isFixedPoint!N)
2428         {
2429             return bsfImpl!policy(num);
2430         }
2431         ///
2432         unittest
2433         {
2434             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2436             assert(safeOp.bsf(20) == 2);
2438             safeOp.bsf(0);
2439             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2440         }
2442         /// `core.bitop.bsr` without the undefined behaviour. `safeOp.bsr(0)` will raise `IntFlag.undef`.
2443         int bsr(N)(const N num) @safe
2444             if (isFixedPoint!N)
2445         {
2446             return bsrImpl!policy(num);
2447         }
2448         ///
2449         unittest
2450         {
2451             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2453             assert(safeOp.bsr( 20) ==  4);
2454             assert(safeOp.bsr(-20) == 31);
2456             safeOp.bsr(0);
2457             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2458         }
2460         /**
2461         Get the base 2 logarithm of `abs(num)`, rounded down to the nearest integer.
2463         `safeOp.ilogb(0)` will raise `IntFlag.undef`.
2464         **/
2465         int ilogb(N)(const N num) @safe
2466             if (isFixedPoint!N)
2467         {
2468             static if (isSigned!N)
2469                 const absN = cast(Unsigned!N) (num < 0? -num : num);
2470             else
2471                 alias absN = num;
2473             return bsrImpl!policy(absN);
2474         }
2475         ///
2476         unittest
2477         {
2478             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2480             assert(safeOp.ilogb( 20) == 4);
2481             assert(safeOp.ilogb(-20) == 4);
2483             safeOp.ilogb(0);
2484             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2485         }
2487         private auto binaryImpl(string op, N, M)(const N left, const M right) @safe
2488             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
2489         {
2490             enum wop = (op[$-1] == '=')? op[0 .. $-1] : op;
2491             alias P = OpType!(N, wop, M);
2492             alias R = Select!(wop == op, P, N);
2494             static if (wop.among!("+", "-", "*"))
2495             {
2496                 enum isPromSafe = !(isSigned!N || isSigned!M) || (isSigned!P && isSigned!R);
2497                 enum needCOp = (wop == "*")?
2498                     (precision!N + precision!M) > precision!P :
2499                     (max(precision!N, precision!M) + 1) > precision!P;
2501                 bool over = false;
2502                 static if (needCOp)
2503                 {
2504                     enum cx = (staticIndexOf!(wop, "+", "-", "*") << 1) + isSigned!P;
2505                     alias cop = AliasSeq!(addu, adds, subu, subs, mulu, muls)[cx];
2507                     const pR = cop(cast(P)left, cast(P)right, over);
2508                 }
2509                 else
2510                     const pR = mixin("left " ~ wop ~ " right");
2512                 static if (isSigned!P && trueMin!P < trueMin!R)
2513                 {
2514                     if (pR < trueMin!R)
2515                         over = true;
2516                 }
2517                 static if (trueMax!P > trueMax!R)
2518                 {
2519                     if (pR > trueMax!R)
2520                         over = true;
2521                 }
2523                 if (over)
2524                     IntFlag.over.raise!policy();
2525                 return cast(R)pR;
2526             }
2527             else static if (wop.among!("/", "%"))
2528             {
2529                 enum isPromSafe = !(isSigned!N || isSigned!M) ||
2530                     (isSigned!P && (wop == "%"? (isSigned!R || !isSigned!N) : isSigned!R));
2532                 const div0 = (right == 0);
2533                 static if (isSigned!N && isSigned!M)
2534                     const posOver = (left == trueMin!R) && (right == -1);
2535                 else
2536                     enum posOver = false;
2538                 R ret = void;
2539                 if (div0 || posOver)
2540                 {
2541                     (posOver? IntFlag.posOver : IntFlag.div0).raise!policy();
2542                     ret = 0; // Prevent unrecoverable FPE
2543                 }
2544                 else
2545                     ret = cast(R)mixin("left " ~ wop ~ " right");
2547                 return ret;
2548             }
2549             else static if (wop.among!("<<", ">>", ">>>"))
2550             {
2551                 enum isPromSafe = !isSigned!N || isSigned!R || (op == ">>>");
2553                 enum invalidSh = ~cast(M)(8 * P.sizeof - 1);
2554                 if (right & invalidSh)
2555                     IntFlag.undef.raise!policy();
2557                 return cast(R) mixin("cast(P)left " ~ wop ~ " right");
2558             }
2559             else static if (wop.among!("&", "|", "^"))
2560             {
2561                 enum isPromSafe = true;
2563                 return cast(R)mixin("left " ~ wop ~ " right");
2564             }
2565             else
2566                 static assert(false);
2568             static assert(isPromSafe,
2569                 "The standard " ~ N.stringof ~ " " ~ op ~ " " ~ M.stringof ~
2570                 " operation is unsafe, due to a signed/unsigned mismatch. " ~
2571                 "Use an explicit cast, or switch to smartOp/SmartInt."
2572             );
2573         }
2575         /**
2576         Perform the binary (two-argument) integer operation specified by `op`.
2577         $(UL
2578             $(LI Unsafe signed/unsigned operations will generate a compile-time error.)
2579             $(LI `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, and `%` are checked for overflow at runtime.)
2580             $(LI `/` and `%` are also checked for divide-by-zero.)
2581             $(LI `<<`, `>>`, and `>>>` are checked to verify that `right >= 0` and `right < (8 * typeof(left).sizeof)`.
2582                 Otherwise, `IntFlag.undef` is raised.)
2583         ) $(BR)
2584         Note also:
2585         $(UL
2586             $(LI The shift operators are $(B not) checked for overflow and should not be used for multiplication,
2587                 division, or exponentiation. Instead, use `mulPow2()` and `divPow2()`, which internally use the bitshifts for speed,
2588                 but check for overflow and correctly handle negative values.)
2589             $(LI Likewise, `modPow2()` should be used for remainders instead of `&`.)
2590             $(LI `^^` and `^^=` will remain disabled in favour of `pow` until DMD issues 15288 and 15412 are fixed.)
2591         ) $(BR)
2592         Like the standard equivalents, the assignment operators (`+=`, `-=`, `*=`, etc.) take `left` by `ref` and will overwrite
2593         it with the result of the operation.
2594         **/
2595         OpType!(N, op, M) binary(string op, N, M)(const N left, const M right) @safe
2596             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M &&
2597                 op.among!("+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^^", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "&", "|", "^"))
2598         {
2599             static assert(op != "^^",
2600                 "pow() should be used instead of operator ^^ because of issue 15288.");
2602             return binaryImpl!op(left, right);
2603         }
2604         /// ditto
2605         ref N binary(string op, N, M)(return ref N left, const M right) @safe
2606             if (isIntegral!N && isFixedPoint!M && (op[$ - 1] == '='))
2607         {
2608             static assert(op != "^^=",
2609                 "pow() should be used instead of operator ^^= because of issue 15412.");
2611             left = binaryImpl!op(left, right);
2612             return left;
2613         }
2614         ///
2615         unittest
2616         {
2617             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2619             assert(safeOp.binary!"+"(17, -5) == 12);
2620             static assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.binary!"+"(-1, 1u)));
2622             ulong a = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615uL;
2623             safeOp.binary!"+="(a, 1u);
2624             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
2626             assert(safeOp.binary!"-"(17u, 5u) == 12u);
2627             safeOp.binary!"-"(5u, 17u);
2628             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
2630             ulong b = 123_456_789_987_654_321uL;
2631             static assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.binary!"-="(b, 987_654_321)));
2632             assert(safeOp.binary!"-="(b, 987_654_321u) == 123_456_789_000_000_000uL);
2633             assert(b == 123_456_789_000_000_000uL);
2635             assert(safeOp.binary!"*"(-1 << 30, 2) == int.min);
2636             safeOp.binary!"*"(1 << 30, 2);
2637             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
2639             uint c = 1u << 18;
2640             assert(safeOp.binary!"*="(c, 1u << 4) == 1u << 22);
2641             assert(c == 1u << 22);
2643             assert(safeOp.binary!"/"(22, 11) == 2);
2644             assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.binary!"/"(-22, 11u)));
2645             safeOp.binary!"/"(0, 0);
2646             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.div0);
2648             long j = long.min;
2649             safeOp.binary!"/="(j, -1);
2650             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
2652             assert(safeOp.binary!"%"(20u, 7u) == 6u);
2653             static assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.binary!"%"(20u, -7)));
2654             safeOp.binary!"%"(20u, 0u);
2655             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.div0);
2657             short n = 75;
2658             assert(safeOp.binary!"%="(n, -10) == 5);
2659             assert(n == 5);
2660         }
2661         ///
2662         unittest
2663         {
2664             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2666             assert(safeOp.binary!"<<"(-0x80,  2) == -0x200);
2667             safeOp.binary!"<<"(-0x80, -2);
2668             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2670             ubyte a = 0x3u;
2671             safeOp.binary!"<<="(a, 7);
2672             assert(a == 0x80u);
2674             assert(safeOp.binary!">>"(-0xC, 5u) == -0x1);
2675             safeOp.binary!">>"(-0xC, long.max);
2676             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2678             short b = 0x700;
2679             assert(safeOp.binary!">>="(b, 8) == 0x7);
2680             assert(b == 0x7);
2682             assert(safeOp.binary!">>>"(-0x80, 2u) == 0x3FFF_FFE0);
2683             safeOp.binary!">>>"(-0x80, 32);
2684             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2686             int c = 0xFE_DCBA;
2687             assert(safeOp.binary!">>>="(c, 12) == 0xFED);
2688             assert(c == 0xFED);
2690             assert(safeOp.binary!"&"(0x6Fu, 0x4076)  == 0x66u);
2692             ubyte d = 0x6Fu;
2693             assert(safeOp.binary!"&="(d, 0x4076) == 0x66u);
2694             assert(d == 0x66u);
2696             assert(safeOp.binary!"|"(0x6F, 0x4076u) == 0x407Fu);
2698             byte e = 0x6F;
2699             assert(safeOp.binary!"|="(e, 0x4076u) == 0x7F);
2700             assert(e == 0x7F);
2702             assert(safeOp.binary!"^"(0x6F, 0x4076) == 0x4019);
2704             int f = 0x6F;
2705             assert(safeOp.binary!"^="(f, 0x4076) == 0x4019);
2706             assert(f == 0x4019);
2708             assert(!IntFlags.local);
2709         }
2711         /**
2712         Equivalent to `left * pow(2, exp)`, but faster and works with a wider range of inputs. This is a safer alternative to
2713         `left << exp` that is still very fast.
2715         Note that (conceptually) rounding occurs $(I after) the `*`, meaning that `mulPow2(left, -exp)` is equivalent to
2716         `divPow2(left, exp)`.
2717         **/
2718         auto mulPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2719             if ((isFloatingPoint!N && isScalarType!M) || (isScalarType!N && isFloatingPoint!M))
2720         {
2721             return byPow2Impl!("*", NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
2722         }
2723         /// ditto
2724         auto mulPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) @safe
2725             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
2726         {
2727             return byPow2Impl!("*", policy, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
2728         }
2729         ///
2730         unittest
2731         {
2732             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2734             assert(safeOp.mulPow2(-23, 5) == -736);
2735             safeOp.mulPow2(10_000_000, 10);
2736             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
2738             assert(safeOp.mulPow2(65536, -8) == 256);
2739             assert(safeOp.mulPow2(-100, -100) == 0);
2740         }
2742         /**
2743         Equivalent to `left / pow(2, exp)`, but faster and works with a wider range of inputs. This is a safer alternative to
2744         `left >> exp` that is still very fast.
2746         Note that (conceptually) rounding occurs $(I after) the `/`, meaning that `divPow2(left, -exp)` is equivalent to
2747         `mulPow2(left, exp)`.
2748         **/
2749         auto divPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2750             if ((isFloatingPoint!N && isScalarType!M) || (isScalarType!N && isFloatingPoint!M))
2751         {
2752             return byPow2Impl!("/", NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
2753         }
2754         /// ditto
2755         auto divPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) @safe
2756             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
2757         {
2758             return byPow2Impl!("/", policy, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
2759         }
2760         ///
2761         unittest
2762         {
2763             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2765             assert(safeOp.divPow2(65536, 8) == 256);
2766             assert(safeOp.divPow2(-100, 100) == 0);
2767             assert(safeOp.divPow2(-23, -5) == -736);
2769             safeOp.divPow2(10_000_000, -10);
2770             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
2771         }
2773         /**
2774         Equivalent to `left % pow(2, exp)`, but faster and works with a wider range of inputs. This is a safer alternative to
2775         `left & ((1 << exp) - 1)` that is still very fast.
2776         **/
2777         auto modPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2778             if ((isFloatingPoint!N && isScalarType!M) || (isScalarType!N && isFloatingPoint!M))
2779         {
2780             return byPow2Impl!("%", NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
2781         }
2782         /// ditto
2783         auto modPow2(N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
2784             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
2785         {
2786             return byPow2Impl!("%", IntFlagPolicy.sticky, NumFromScal!N, NumFromScal!M)(left, exp);
2787         }
2788         ///
2789         unittest
2790         {
2791             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2793             assert(safeOp.modPow2( 101,  1) ==  1);
2794             assert(safeOp.modPow2( 101,  3) ==  5);
2795             assert(safeOp.modPow2(-101,  3) == -5);
2797             assert(safeOp.modPow2(101, -2) ==  0);
2798             assert(safeOp.modPow2(101, 1_000) == 101);
2799         }
2801         /**
2802         Raise `base` to the `exp` power.
2804         Errors that may be signalled if neither input is floating-point:
2805         $(UL
2806             $(LI `IntFlag.posOver` or `IntFlag.negOver` if the absolute value of the result is too large to
2807                 represent with the return type.)
2808             $(LI `exp < 0`, `IntFlag.undef` is raised because `std.math.pow` would trigger an FPE given the same input.)
2809         )
2810         **/
2811         CallType!(std.math.pow, N, M) pow(N, M)(const N base, const M exp) @safe
2812             if (isFixedPoint!N && isFixedPoint!M)
2813         {
2814             alias R = typeof(return);
2815             static assert(!isSigned!N || isSigned!R,
2816                 "std.math.pow(" ~ N.stringof ~ ", " ~ M.stringof ~
2817                 ") is unsafe, due to a signed/unsigned mismatch. Use an explicit cast, or switch to smartOp/SmartInt."
2818             );
2820             auto po = powImpl!(R, Select!(isSigned!M, long, ulong))(base, exp);
2821             static assert(is(typeof(po.num) == R));
2822             if (exp < 0)
2823                 po.flag = IntFlag.undef;
2825             if (!po.flag.isNull)
2826                 po.flag.raise!policy();
2827             return po.num;
2828         }
2829         ///
2830         unittest
2831         {
2832             import checkedint.sticky : safeOp; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2834             assert(safeOp.pow(-10, 3) == -1_000);
2835             static assert(!__traits(compiles, safeOp.pow(16, 4uL)));
2836             safeOp.pow(2, -1);
2837             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2839             safeOp.pow(-3, 27);
2840             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
2841             safeOp.pow(0, -5);
2842             assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.undef);
2843         }
2844     }
2845     private alias safeOp(bool throws) = safeOp!(cast(Flag!"throws")throws);
2847 // conv /////////////////////////////////////////////////
2848     /**
2849     A wrapper for `std.conv.to()` which uses `checkedint.flags` for error signaling when converting between any combination
2850     of basic scalar types and `checkedint` types. With an appropriate `policy`, this allows
2851     $(LINK2 ./package.html#to, `checkedint.to()`) to be used for numeric conversions in `pure nothrow` code, unlike
2852     `std.conv.to()`.
2854     Conversions involving any other type are simply forwarded to `std.conv.to()`, with no runtime overhead.
2855     **/
2856     template to(T, IntFlagPolicy policy)
2857     {
2858         private enum useFlags(S) = (isCheckedInt!T || isScalarType!T) && (isCheckedInt!S || isScalarType!S);
2859         private enum reqAttrs =
2860             ((policy == IntFlagPolicy.sticky || policy == IntFlagPolicy.asserts)? " nothrow" : "") ~
2861             ((policy == IntFlagPolicy.asserts || policy == IntFlagPolicy.throws)? " pure" : "");
2863         T to(S)(const S value) @safe
2864             if (useFlags!S)
2865         {
2866             static if (isCheckedInt!T || isCheckedInt!S)
2867                 return T(checkedint.to!(BasicScalar!T, policy)(value.bscal));
2868             else
2869             {
2870                 static if (policy != IntFlagPolicy.none && !isFloatingPoint!T)
2871                 {
2872                     static if (isFloatingPoint!S)
2873                     {
2874                         if (value >= trueMin!T)
2875                         {
2876                             if (value > trueMax!T)
2877                                 IntFlag.posOver.raise!policy();
2878                         }
2879                         else
2880                             (std.math.isNaN(value)? IntFlag.undef : IntFlag.negOver).raise!policy();
2881                     }
2882                     else
2883                     {
2884                         static if (cast(long)trueMin!S < cast(long)trueMin!T)
2885                         {
2886                             if (value < cast(S)trueMin!T)
2887                                 IntFlag.negOver.raise!policy();
2888                         }
2889                         static if (cast(ulong)trueMax!S > cast(ulong)trueMax!T)
2890                         {
2891                             if (value > cast(S)trueMax!T)
2892                                 IntFlag.posOver.raise!policy();
2893                         }
2894                     }
2895                 }
2896                 return cast(T)value;
2897             }
2898         }
2900         mixin(`
2901         T to(S)(S value)` ~ reqAttrs ~ `
2902             if (!useFlags!S)
2903         {
2904             import std.conv : impl = to;
2905             return impl!T(value);
2906         }`);
2907     }
2908     ///
2909     unittest
2910     {
2911         // Conversions involving only basic scalars or checkedint types use IntFlags for error signalling.
2912         import checkedint.sticky : smartInt, SmartInt, smartOp, to; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
2914         assert(to!int(smartInt(-421751L)) == -421751);
2915         assert(to!(SmartInt!ubyte)(100) == 100u);
2917         assert(is(typeof(to!int(50u)) == int));
2918         assert(to!int(50u) == 50);
2919         assert(!IntFlags.local);
2921         // If IntFlagPolicy.sticky is set, failed conversions return garbage, but...
2922         assert(smartOp.cmp!"!="(to!int(uint.max), uint.max));
2923         // ...IntFlags.local can be checked to see if anything went wrong.
2924         assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
2925     }
2926     ///
2927     unittest
2928     {
2929         // Everything else forwards to std.conv.to().
2930         assert(to!(string, IntFlagPolicy.throws)(55) == "55");
2931         assert(to!(real, IntFlagPolicy.throws)("3.141519e0") == 3.141519L);
2933         // Setting IntFlagPolicy.sticky or .asserts will block std.conv.to(), unless the instantiation is nothrow.
2934         // Setting IntFlagPolicy.asserts or .throws will block std.conv.to(), unless the instantiation is pure.
2935         static assert(!__traits(compiles, to!(real, IntFlagPolicy.sticky)("3.141519e0")));
2936     }
2938     @property {
2939         /**
2940         Get a view or copy of `num` as a basic scalar.
2942         Useful in generic code that handles both basic types, and `checkedint` types.
2943         **/
2944         ref inout(N) bscal(N)(return ref inout(N) num) @safe
2945             if (isScalarType!N)
2946         {
2947             return num;
2948         }
2949         /// ditto
2950         ref inout(N) bscal(N)(return ref inout(N) num) @safe
2951             if (isCheckedInt!N)
2952         {
2953             return num.bscal;
2954         }
2955         /// ditto
2956         N bscal(N)(const N num) @safe
2957             if (isScalarType!N)
2958         {
2959             return num;
2960         }
2961         /// ditto
2962         BasicScalar!N bscal(N)(const N num) @safe
2963             if (isCheckedInt!N)
2964         {
2965             return num.bscal;
2966         }
2967         ///
2968         unittest
2969         {
2970             import checkedint.throws : smartInt, SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
2972             assert(is(typeof(bscal(2u)) == uint));
2973             assert(is(typeof(bscal(SmartInt!int(2))) == int));
2975             assert(bscal(-3153) == -3153);
2976             assert(bscal(smartInt(75_000)) == 75_000);
2977         }
2979         /**
2980         Get a view or copy of `num` that supports bitwise operations.
2982         Useful in generic code that handles both basic types and `checkedint` types.
2983         **/
2984         ref inout(N) bits(N)(return ref inout(N) num) @safe
2985             if (isFixedPoint!N)
2986         {
2987             return num;
2988         }
2989         /// ditto
2990         ref inout(N) bits(N)(return ref inout(N) num) @safe
2991             if (isCheckedInt!N)
2992         {
2993             return num.bits;
2994         }
2995         /// ditto
2996         N bits(N)(const N num) @safe
2997             if (isFixedPoint!N)
2998         {
2999             return num;
3000         }
3001         /// ditto
3002         SmartInt!(BasicScalar!N, N.policy, Yes.bitOps) bits(N)(const N num) @safe
3003             if (isSmartInt!N)
3004         {
3005             return num.bits;
3006         }
3007         /// ditto
3008         SafeInt!(BasicScalar!N, N.policy, Yes.bitOps) bits(N)(const N num) @safe
3009             if (isSafeInt!N)
3010         {
3011             return num.bits;
3012         }
3013         ///
3014         unittest
3015         {
3016             import checkedint.throws : SmartInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
3018             assert(is(typeof(bits(5)) == int));
3020             SmartInt!(int, No.bitOps) noBits = 5;
3021             assert(is(typeof(bits(noBits)) == SmartInt!(int, Yes.bitOps)));
3023             static assert(!__traits(compiles, noBits << 2));
3024             assert((bits(noBits) << 2) == 20);
3025         }
3027         /**
3028         Cast `num` to a basic type suitable for indexing an array.
3030         For signed types, `ptrdiff_t` is returned. For unsigned types, `size_t` is returned.
3031         **/
3032         Select!(isSigned!N, ptrdiff_t, size_t) idx(IntFlagPolicy policy, N)(const N num) @safe
3033             if (isScalarType!N || isCheckedInt!N)
3034         {
3035             return to!(typeof(return), policy)(num.bscal);
3036         }
3037         /// ditto
3038         Select!(isSigned!(BasicScalar!N), ptrdiff_t, size_t) idx(N)(const N num) @safe
3039             if (isCheckedInt!N)
3040         {
3041             return num.idx;
3042         }
3043         ///
3044         unittest
3045         {
3046             import checkedint.sticky : idx, SmartInt, safeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.sticky
3048             assert(is(typeof(idx(cast(long)1)) == ptrdiff_t));
3049             assert(is(typeof(idx(cast(ubyte)1)) == size_t));
3050             assert(is(typeof(idx(SmartInt!ulong(1))) == size_t));
3052             assert(idx(17uL) == 17);
3053             assert(idx(-3) == -3);
3054             assert(idx(safeInt(cast(byte)100)) == 100);
3056             static if (size_t.sizeof == 4)
3057             {
3058                 idx(ulong.max);
3059                 assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.posOver);
3061                 idx(long.min);
3062                 assert(IntFlags.local.clear() == IntFlag.negOver);
3063             }
3064         }
3065     }
3066 /+}+/
3068 // traits /////////////////////////////////////////////////
3070 /// Evaluates to `true` if `T` is an instance of $(LINK2 ./package.html#SafeInt, `SafeInt`).
3071 enum isSafeInt(T) = isInstanceOf!(SafeInt, T);
3072 ///
3073 unittest
3074 {
3075     import checkedint.throws : SmartInt, SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
3077     assert( isSafeInt!(SafeInt!int));
3079     assert(!isSafeInt!int);
3080     assert(!isSafeInt!(SmartInt!int));
3081 }
3083 /// Evaluates to `true` if `T` is an instance of $(LINK2 ./package.html#SmartInt, `SmartInt`).
3084 enum isSmartInt(T) = isInstanceOf!(SmartInt, T);
3085 ///
3086 unittest
3087 {
3088     import checkedint.throws : SmartInt, SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
3090     assert( isSmartInt!(SmartInt!int));
3092     assert(!isSmartInt!int);
3093     assert(!isSmartInt!(SafeInt!int));
3094 }
3096 /**
3097 Evaluates to `true` if `T` is an instance of $(LINK2 ./package.html#SafeInt, `SafeInt`)
3098 or $(LINK2 ./package.html#SmartInt, `SmartInt`).
3099 **/
3100 enum isCheckedInt(T) = isSafeInt!T || isSmartInt!T;
3101 ///
3102 unittest
3103 {
3104     import checkedint.throws : SmartInt, SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
3106     assert( isCheckedInt!(SafeInt!int));
3107     assert( isCheckedInt!(SmartInt!int));
3109     assert(!isCheckedInt!int);
3110 }
3112 /**
3113 Evaluates to `true` if either:
3114 $(UL
3115     $(LI `isScalarType!T`, or)
3116     $(LI `isCheckedInt!T`)
3117 )
3118 $(B And) bitwise operators such as `<<` and `~` are available for `T`.
3119 **/
3120 template hasBitOps(T)
3121 {
3122     static if (isCheckedInt!T)
3123         enum hasBitOps = TemplateArgsOf!T[2];
3124     else
3125         enum hasBitOps = isFixedPoint!T;
3126 }
3127 ///
3128 unittest
3129 {
3130     import checkedint.throws : SmartInt, SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
3132     assert( hasBitOps!(SafeInt!(int, Yes.bitOps)));
3133     assert( hasBitOps!(SmartInt!(int, Yes.bitOps)));
3134     assert( hasBitOps!int);
3135     assert( hasBitOps!bool);
3136     assert( hasBitOps!dchar);
3138     assert(!hasBitOps!(SafeInt!(int, No.bitOps)));
3139     assert(!hasBitOps!(SmartInt!(int, No.bitOps)));
3140     assert(!hasBitOps!float);
3141 }
3143 /**
3144 Aliases to the basic scalar type associated with `T`, assuming either:
3145 $(UL
3146     $(LI `isScalarType!T`, or)
3147     $(LI `isCheckedInt!T`)
3148 )
3149 Otherwise, `BasicScalar` aliases to `void`.
3150 **/
3151 template BasicScalar(T)
3152 {
3153     static if (isScalarType!T)
3154         alias BasicScalar = Unqual!T;
3155     else static if (isCheckedInt!T)
3156         alias BasicScalar = TemplateArgsOf!T[0];
3157     else
3158         alias BasicScalar = void;
3159 }
3160 ///
3161 unittest
3162 {
3163     import checkedint.throws : SmartInt, SafeInt; // use IntFlagPolicy.throws
3165     assert(is(BasicScalar!(SafeInt!int) == int));
3166     assert(is(BasicScalar!(SmartInt!ushort) == ushort));
3168     assert(is(BasicScalar!int == int));
3169     assert(is(BasicScalar!(const shared real) == real));
3170 }
3172 // internal /////////////////////////////////////////////////
3173 private
3174 {
3175     enum N trueMin(N) = mostNegative!N;
3176     template trueMax(N)
3177         if (isScalarType!N)
3178     {
3179         static if (is(Unqual!N == dchar))
3180             enum N trueMax = ~cast(N)0;
3181         else
3182             enum N trueMax = N.max;
3183     }
3185     template NumFromScal(N)
3186         if (isScalarType!N)
3187     {
3188         static if (isNumeric!N)
3189             alias NumFromScal = N;
3190         else static if (isSomeChar!N)
3191             alias NumFromScal = IntFromChar!N;
3192         else //if (isBoolean!N)
3193             alias NumFromScal = ubyte;
3194     }
3196     pragma(inline, true)
3197     {
3198         int bsfImpl(IntFlagPolicy policy, N)(const N num) @safe
3199             if (isFixedPoint!N)
3200         {
3201             static if (isSigned!N)
3202                 return bsfImpl!(policy, Unsigned!N)(num);
3203             else
3204             {
3205                 static assert(N.sizeof <= ulong.sizeof);
3207                 int ret = void;
3208                 if (num == 0)
3209                 {
3210                     IntFlag.undef.raise!policy();
3211                     ret = int.min;
3212                 }
3213                 else
3214                     ret = bsf(num);
3216                 return ret;
3217             }
3218         }
3219         int bsrImpl(IntFlagPolicy policy, N)(const N num) @safe
3220             if (isFixedPoint!N)
3221         {
3222             static if (isSigned!N)
3223                 return bsrImpl!(policy, Unsigned!N)(num);
3224             else
3225             {
3226                 static assert(N.sizeof <= ulong.sizeof);
3228                 int ret = void;
3229                 if (num == 0)
3230                 {
3231                     IntFlag.undef.raise!policy();
3232                     ret = int.min;
3233                 }
3234                 else
3235                     ret = bsr(num);
3237                 return ret;
3238             }
3239         }
3241         auto byPow2Impl(string op, N, M)(const N left, const M exp) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
3242             if (op.among!("*", "/", "%") && ((isFloatingPoint!N && isNumeric!M) || (isNumeric!N && isFloatingPoint!M)))
3243         {
3244             import std.math : exp2, isFinite, frexp, ldexp;
3246             enum wantPrec = max(precision!N, precision!M);
3247             alias R =
3248                 Select!(wantPrec <= precision!float, float,
3249                 Select!(wantPrec <= precision!double, double, real));
3251             static if (isFloatingPoint!M)
3252             {
3253                 R ret = void;
3255                 static if (op.among!("*", "/"))
3256                 {
3257                     if (left == 0 && exp.isFinite)
3258                         ret = 0;
3259                     else
3260                     {
3261                         R wexp = cast(R)exp;
3262                         static if (op == "/")
3263                             wexp = -wexp;
3265                         ret = cast(R)left * exp2(wexp);
3266                     }
3267                 }
3268                 else
3269                 {
3270                     const p2 = exp2(cast(R)exp);
3271                     ret =
3272                         p2.isFinite? cast(R)left % p2 :
3273                         (p2 > 0)? cast(R)left :
3274                         (p2 < 0)? cast(R)0 :
3275                         R.nan;
3276                 }
3278                 return ret;
3279             }
3280             else
3281             {
3282                 static if (op.among!("*", "/"))
3283                 {
3284                     int wexp =
3285                         (exp > int.max)? int.max :
3286                         (cast(long)exp < -int.max)? -int.max : cast(int)exp;
3287                     static if (op == "/")
3288                         wexp = -wexp;
3290                     return ldexp(cast(R)left, wexp);
3291                 }
3292                 else
3293                 {
3294                     int expL;
3295                     real mantL = frexp(left, expL);
3297                     static if (!isSigned!M)
3298                         const retL = expL <= exp;
3299                     else
3300                         const retL = (expL < 0) || (expL <= exp);
3302                     R ret = void;
3303                     if (retL)
3304                         ret = left;
3305                     else
3306                     {
3307                         const expDiff = expL - exp;
3308                         ret = (expDiff > N.mant_dig)?
3309                             cast(R)0 :
3310                             left - ldexp(floor(ldexp(mantissa, expDiff)), expL - expDiff);
3311                     }
3313                     return ret;
3314                 }
3315             }
3316         }
3317         auto byPow2Impl(string op, IntFlagPolicy policy, N, M)(const N left, const M exp) @safe
3318             if (op.among!("*", "/", "%") && isIntegral!N && isIntegral!M)
3319         {
3320             alias R = Select!(op.among!("*", "/") != 0, Promoted!N, N);
3321             enum Unsigned!M maxSh = 8 * N.sizeof - 1;
3323             R ret = void;
3324             static if (op.among!("*", "/"))
3325             {
3326                 const rc = cast(R)left;
3327                 const negE = exp < 0;
3328                 const absE = cast(Unsigned!M)(negE?
3329                     -exp :
3330                      exp);
3331                 const bigSh = (absE > maxSh);
3333                 R back = void;
3334                 if ((op == "*")? negE : !negE)
3335                 {
3336                     if (bigSh)
3337                         ret = 0;
3338                     else
3339                     {
3340                         // ">>" rounds as floor(), but we want trunc() like "/"
3341                         ret = (rc < 0)?
3342                             -(-rc >>> absE) :
3343                             rc >>> absE;
3344                     }
3345                 }
3346                 else
3347                 {
3348                     if (bigSh)
3349                     {
3350                         ret = 0;
3351                         back = 0;
3352                     }
3353                     else
3354                     {
3355                         ret  = rc  << absE;
3356                         back = ret >> absE;
3357                     }
3359                     if (back != rc)
3360                         IntFlag.over.raise!policy();
3361                 }
3362             }
3363             else
3364             {
3365                 if (exp & ~maxSh)
3366                     ret = (exp < 0)? 0 : left;
3367                 else
3368                 {
3369                     const mask = ~(~cast(N)0 << exp);
3370                     ret = cast(R)(left < 0?
3371                         -(-left & mask) :
3372                          left & mask);
3373                 }
3374             }
3376             return ret;
3377         }
3378     }
3380     struct PowOut(B)
3381     {
3382         B num;
3383         IntFlag flag;
3384     }
3386     // Minimize template bloat by using a common pow() implementation
3387     PowOut!B powImpl(B, E)(const B base, const E exp) @safe
3388         if ((is(B == int) || is(B == uint) || is(B == long) || is(B == ulong)) &&
3389             (is(E == long) || is(E == ulong)))
3390     {
3391         pragma(inline, false);
3392         PowOut!B ret;
3394         static if (isSigned!B)
3395         {
3396             alias cmul = muls;
3397             const smallB = (1 >= base && base >= -1);
3398         }
3399         else
3400         {
3401             alias cmul = mulu;
3402             const smallB = (base <= 1);
3403         }
3405         if (smallB)
3406         {
3407             if (base == 0)
3408             {
3409                 static if (isSigned!E)
3410                 {
3411                     if (exp < 0)
3412                         ret.flag = IntFlag.div0;
3413                 }
3415                 ret.num = (exp == 0);
3416             }
3417             else
3418                 ret.num = (exp & 0x1)? base : 1;
3420             return ret;
3421         }
3422         if (exp <= 0)
3423         {
3424             ret.num = (exp == 0);
3425             return ret;
3426         }
3428         ret.num = 1;
3429         if (exp <= precision!B)
3430         {
3431             B b = base;
3432             int e = cast(int)exp;
3433             if (e & 0x1)
3434                 ret.num = b;
3435             e >>>= 1;
3437             bool over = false;
3438             while (e != 0)
3439             {
3440                 b = cmul(b, b, over);
3441                 if (e & 0x1)
3442                     ret.num = cmul(ret.num, b, over);
3444                 e >>>= 1;
3445             }
3447             if (!over)
3448                 return ret;
3449         }
3451         ret.flag = (base < 0 && (exp & 0x1))?
3452             IntFlag.negOver :
3453             IntFlag.posOver;
3454         return ret;
3455     }
3456 }